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by misanthropic 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • misanthropic

    I want to direct attention to the web site Rebel8 Has, and particularly to her book

    10 Steps Towards Emotional Healing After Being A Jehovah’s Witness”.

    Which can be found at the following link

    I just finished reading it and I feel like this book could be a huge help to a lot of people here, as it was for me. Even for those of you who might just know someone who is a witness, or has family that is in. My husband read it also, which helped him to understand a lot of things about my anxiety problems and trust issues with people since I was born and raised in the Org.

    I was saddened after reading it though knowing how much it would help some of my family members still in, if only they would read it. I’m still contemplating sending a copy to my sister just to see if maybe she will have a look out of curiosity, you just never know. Maybe someone might have some suggestions?

    Check out the site, order the book and also look around at all the other items available. I know there are also some really cool T-shirts available for purchase.

    Thanks Rebel8, I think it was very thoughtful for you to put this wonderful book together that will most definitely help a lot of people get some closure.

  • jaffacake

    Thank you. I've bbokmarked the site & may get the book. May even send one to my JW friends.

  • misanthropic

    This link takes you right to the book page:

  • prophecor

    Thank you Misanthropic for the link and the info. It's time that I seek additional alternatives to acquiring healing from being in the Hall.

  • damselfly

    Thanks Mis! I was debating whether to ask if anyone had read this.

    After being in this site for a while I realize that I tend to suppress stuff instead of dealing with it.

    I'm going to order a copy.


  • misanthropic

    Jaffa- Glad you checked it out. What a great gift idea, could have used a friend like you!!!

    It's time that I seek additional alternatives to acquiring healing from being in the Hall.

    Proph - Yeah I agree, this could be a great start towards getting through the past JW “issues” as I have found it definitely was for me!

    After being in this site for a while I realize that I tend to suppress stuff instead of dealing with it.

    Dams- I can totally relate but it causes so much anxiety, which is definitely not worth it! … I’m glad you’re getting a copy, I'm sure it will help you so much.

    I know there are a lot of newbies and lurkers on here that maybe will be able to benefit as well, so I am hoping everyone will give it a look!

  • rebel8

    Very sweet of you, misanthropic!! (( )) The way I look at it, I was able to extract something positive from my experiences as well as the suffering I observed in the JW patients I used to care for. It is a good feeling to know others can benefit and perhaps quicken the long healing process.

    On the first site ( I recently added Bryan's book (Have You Seen my Mother?) and others. Anything at all you wish to purchase from can be purchased through the links in my site's bookstore, they come straight to you from amazon, and there is no additional cost to you.

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