Faking time cards

by mkr32208 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mkr32208

    I wonder if those of us who have simply faded started sending in time cards that we just made up. You know MASSIVE placements hundreds of return visits if they would count them or just toss them out? Also how hard would it be to set up a ficticius congregation with all of us as members? Do you think we could hit the society up for a kingdom hall loan?

    Just brainstorming!

  • Cygnus

    Not me. Even before I quit the dubs I was 2-4 hours 2 mags no brochures no books, no RVs or Bible Studies.

  • Ingenuous
    Also how hard would it be to set up a ficticius congregation with all of us as members?

    That would be interesting! But what would happen when we never ordered literature and never sent in donations to the WWW? And how would be handle CO visits?

    Would still be very cool if someone managed to pull it off...

  • TresHappy

    Towards the end of my JW days, I lied on my time card. Then I stopped turning in one. I heard my devout JW mom say "I suppose Jesus didn't turn in a time card" and that was it for me. Despite all the slams my Mom makes about the WT, she is still devout. "Where would I go?" she says to me.

  • Alwayshere

    mky, love your idea.wish it was possible. I got out about 3 years ago because they couldn't take their Bible and show me how they got 607 and I showed them twice how I got 587 for Jerusalem's desolation.

  • Cygnus

    : Also how hard would it be to set up a ficticius congregation with all of us as members?


  • mkr32208
    But what would happen when we never ordered literature

    Oh I'd be ordering some literature! I'd bankrupt the sob's with it orders! Then when they ask for donations I'd say the check is in the mail!

  • Cygnus

    a KIT goes for 20-30 dollars on ebay. I'd stock up if I could.

  • mkr32208

    Heck yeah! Our first order could be like 20,000 books! I want to get a loan to build an assembly hall though! I'll start paying you back friday I swear!

  • thom

    I made up stuff for a while on my card, then stopped turning one in entirely.
    ---""Where would I go?" she says to me."---
    Yeah, I hear that too. So if someone is in an abusive marriage they can't leave until they find a replacement?

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