If you are looking for unconditional happiness it will never be found in outward circumstances or derived from mental viewpoints; circumstances change and with them so will viewpoints. The mind will always search for 'something more' as soon as a circumstance presents itself which is satisfactory to any mental viewpoint - the happiness will be fleeting and then you will wonder why, and so a new condition will be created in the hope that in meeting it happiness will be found.
The key in finding lasting and unconditional happiness lies in discovering what one actually is at the core of one's being - in other words, in discovering 'what am I?' Afterall, events and circumstances seem to be happening to 'me' so it is essential to find out just who this 'me' is that things seem to be happening to, but hardly anyone bothers to ask that question because the answer seems to be so obvious: why, I'm me of course. But are you? Have you actually investigated to find out just what you really are?
When searched for, the 'me' cannot be found as a separate and distinct entity. People will find ideas about who/what they think they are, but those are only ideas. Can you be an idea? Surely you can sense that you exist without any idea arising can't you? Without resorting to the mind there is a definite and distinct knowing that you are, and it is in this 'knowingness' that unconditional happiness can be found. This 'knowingess' is what you actually are, and not any idea which arises within that knowingess. Without this 'knowingness' nothing could be known, including ideas of who you think you are.
Other names for this knowingness are consciousness, awareness, being, presence, spaciousness, and all kinds of other labels. But these words are labels only - the key is in discovering directly what these words point to and then live your life from there, rather than from the mental image that one has created for oneself. Then fear evaporates spontaneously since fear is just a projection created by the mind. What you are is beyond the mind and any projections it can create or memories that it can dredge up.
Remain present to what is, right now in this very moment. When the mind pulls you into thinking about what is return to the present moment - it is in this present moment, right here right not that unconditional happiness resides - simply see it. You as consciousness remain always, untouched - full and complete. There is nothing that needs to be done to achieve it because it already is here, but it goes unnoticed because the mind habitually retreats into thinking about the past or projecting into the future. Instead of following the mind's activity return to the present moment whenever you catch yourself thinking about what is. Without the mind's intereference, you as consciousness become more easily seen, and in this seeing happiness will be found that is lasting and unconditional.