Are you sick of "Who's to Blame?"

by upside/down 9 Replies latest social current

  • upside/down

    I can't stand any of the news networks.... they ALL don't get it.

    The "Blame" game is all they care about. Polls, opinions, "experts", clergymen, analysts...

    JUST HELP THE POOR BASTARDS! (Katrina's victims) u/d(of the media SUCKS class)

    p.s.- Or is it just me...that sees this crap. Lynch all the politicians AFTER everyone is can wait...they can't.

  • Leolaia

    I agree.

    It is clear that something terrible went wrong, but it is far too premature to assign blame. As Clinton said, there might in the future be a "Katrina Commission" just as there was a "9/11 Commission" to answer these questions. The situation is extraordinarily complex, with many different levels of government, different kinds of infrastructure, different historical and social factors, etc. that all played a role in the disaster, not the least of which is the hurricane itself. Probably there will be more than enough blame to spread around to many different individuals and groups who either tacitly or actively contributed to the disaster. It is too early to tell which groups played a more critical role in the failure of planning for the disaster and its response, so I would like to wait until all the facts are in before making a judgment. At the same time, we know lots of people will be covering their asses. At this point, I think the question of "Who's to Blame" is something that should be asked a year from now or so, but right now the more appropriate question is "Who needs help?" and "What things that went wrong can be fixed now?".

  • thom

    It sure is a good way to keep the news going. Media just loves controversy.
    So do politicians.
    It's like a guy that causes a car accident and is running up to everyone afterward saying "It wasn't my fault! He did it! I didn't cause it!" while some person is laying in the street needing help. It shows where priorities are. People more concerned with covering their own butts than helping people. Pretty sick actually.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Same story, different disaster!

    "They" even tried to blame the architect for the Twin Towers for their failures!

  • SixofNine

    It's not really all that complex (the disaster response part, not the infrastructure part) I saw it unfold with my own eyes. My own heart and mind felt the numbing frustration of knowing what should have been being done, whose power should be coming into play, in the two days before the hurricane hit landfall, and shortly thereafter, but being powerless to do anything but wish.... and take notes.

    It's called a blame "game", but it's really not a game. Heads need to roll, and Americans need to take responsibility for, and learn from, their extremely bad choices in choosing leaders unqualified and incapable of leading.

    Look at it this way, if allowed to, the biggest f-ups will also be the biggest "spinners". All it takes to succeed in spin anymore, is to catch a public wave of approval (no matter what the reality). We've seen that being attempted at the highest levels already. If that was allowed NOW, do you really think the public will revisit the issue a year from now in any meaningful way? When a newspaper gets a front page headline wrong, and a week later retracts it on page 19, does the community at large ever know the real story? So if the spin-masters are allowed to have their way.... how safe will YOUR community be when the next disaster comes along and hits it?

    I've managed to help, I daresay more than average (I hate to even throw that in, but it's relevant to the point I'm making), and I've been able to do that AND complain about obvious failings. If you can't, that's fine, but don't blame me for blaming them, because obviously you don't have the time. Go ahead and help, I'll still be assigning blame when you get around to it.

  • upside/down
    but don't blame me for blaming them,

    The question was...Are you sick of "Who's to Blame"?

    I'm not blaming anyone...especially you...

    Trust me, no one that is responsible will wiggle out of this one...NO ONE.

    It'll be interesting come voting time... who'll get thrown to the dogs over this...


  • confusedjw

    I am sick of it especially when it seems it may come down to solving poverty.

    You can't blame FEMA for that.

    And to make this a racial issue is just too insulting. Even IF Bush doesn't like Blacks - would he put a late night call into rescue squads "George W. here. Why don't you folks sleep in tomorrow"


  • SixofNine

    :The question was...Are you sick of "Who's to Blame"?

    er, oh yeah... my answer then is "no". :-D

    :Trust me, no one that is responsible will wiggle out of this one...NO ONE.

    I wish I could take that on faith, but history shows me that more than faith and trust is needed. And as for the very top (bad) dog, yeah, he probably will wiggle out of it, in that he'll likely face nothing more than negative comments in the history books.

  • upside/down

    6o9- I kinda share your pessimism in this regard...but,

    This sitch is OFF THE CHARTS... it won't be easily swept under the least I hope.

    The "paper trail" will be clear...and the public will be outraged to the max.

    Now I prepare for the "profiteering" to begin... I wonder who the "Haliburton" of NO will turn out to be?

    If nothing is done...(worst case scenario) I say exercise your right to bear arms...and someone delcare "open season" on lying bastard politicians...and their accomplices....perhaps even a "bounty" on the sponges...or make a deck of cards like they did for Saddam and his cronies...

    Viva la revolucion!


  • free2beme

    H. Clinton was on the news blaming Bush and the reporter turned to her and said, "you don't honestly stand there blaming Bush and fail to mention the huge problems of the state government, do you?" The Lousianna state government is Democrat! Well H. Clinton just acted like it was not said and never missed any opertunities to slam Bush more. Yep, no matter what happens the Democrats and Republicans have no shame in using terrible events to bust their political power. Presential election is three years away, but a New York senater from Illinious saw fit to tour New Orleans, all out of the kindness of her own heart. BLAH! I hate politicians!

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