Jeremiah 1:10 : " See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and over throw, to build and to plant."
Does anyone else remember the talk at the DC about 1978, 79 where they said that the 'Jeremiah class' would play the part of a spearhead that brings down Christendom?
Since the disgusting thing stands in a place holy to christendom, this must mean that it is disgusting to her. WTS is disgusting to most churches, and the talk said the WT will play a key part in the desolating of Babylon the great.
QED - how G Longbow is this?
HB (of the "why am I not a watchtower columnist?" class)
I believe that the "disgusting thing" referred to in the scriptures, is merely a reference to things going on at that time, or in the near future from when it was written.
If God really wanted us to follow everything in the bible,I don't think He would have made it so hard to ascertain the meaning of the scriptures, and lead us into such speculation. It seems it's tough enough trying to do all the things that we are supposedly "commanded" to do, in the scriptures, no less having to figure out what the heck we ARE supposed to do. IMHO