The Watchtower Publishing House made Jesus take his heavenly throne on their own set time not on god's sacred time

by Finkelstein 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Taking a close analytical look at the most influencail core doctrine established by the WTS/JWS, one can see perhaps probably the largest theological frauds purported by this religious institution.

    Throughout the NT Jesus admonished man upon setting times of his return and that it wasn't man's position of his devout followers to set a time on god's sacred time.  Yet the WTS made up times on its own accord disobeying Jesus's commandment. Probably why so few recognized Christian organizations have not done so in the long history of Christian adherence.  The first date calculated by the WTS. was actually 1874, after nothing notable happening another date was calculated, mostly out of Pyramidology beliefs which resulted in the creation of the year 1914. 

    Most practicing JWS today aren't even aware of this fact and it has been purposely hidden away by the WTS for its own assuming intent.  Interesting enough these date setting theological postulations, mostly came from men who were selling and promoting literature which they themselves had published.  Even William Miller of the mid 1800's had a book that he was promoting as he traveled about and gave public talks, his set date for Christ's return was 1844.

    Nevertheless in spite of dishonoring the direction of Jesus, the WTS..proceeded to build a following around themselves and corruptly enforce their teachings onto people and many people over the years within the organization have actually pointed out this faulty doctrine of 1914 and have been duly thrown out of the organization .

    Mostly likely due to the fact that messing with this vitally important doctrine as it has formulated the building structure of the entire organization over decades of propagation.  

    The WTS has stated many times that their organization has been chosen by god because they preach the true gospel according to the bible and that they are the only ones who are doing so.   ........... Really ??? 


  • Finkelstein

    Needless to say the doctrine of 1914 helped to proliferate millions of pieces of litaterture produced by the WTS. and was strategically important to the actual formation in creating its many devout followers .

    The other engaging doctrines connecting to 1914 such as the end times and Christ now watching all mankind to observe who was going to be chosen for ever lasting life in paradise are all closely entwined together to structure what organization is endeavored to achieve and that is well controlled subservient people, even if that results in abandoning your own family in the process.  

    The ground work of all of this commercial exploitation is actually written in the bible itself, religious charlatans just exploit the basic belief in the bible from the population to serve their own expresive means and purpose.  

  • runForever
    thank you for putting it clearly.
  • Finkelstein

    The WTS leaders have always been teachers of their own inherent corruption as selling religious charlatans.

    They may have corrected some false teachings observed from within Christendom but they also created many of its own false teachings as self proclaimed Christian preachers.

    As a problematic result of people being adhered to these men, thousands of people lost their lives from refusing Blood transfusions, organ transplants and vaccinations, millions of families were broken apart due to its internal shunning policy, in essence an occurring blight onto humanity.    

  • Vidiot

    Finkelstein - "The WTS has stated many times that their organization has been chosen by god because they preach the true gospel according to the bible and that they are the only ones who are doing so."

    At this point, they're simply at "our organization has been chosen by God because we say so".

  • Finkelstein

    True Vidiot but if ones reads the bible carefully you can see that that statement cant be true because of the many false teachings would never have happened. The WTS created a perverse commercialized version of the gospel to sell and promote the proliferation of its publications.

    Most people can see that, unfortunately due to the constant mental indoctrination by the WTS. people get diverted away from that fact.  Add in the ignorance of the history that most people have about this organization and there you have it.  

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