Service Meeting for September 5, 2005

by TheListener 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheListener

    Song 98

    10 min: Local announcements.

    15 min: "Conducting Progressive Bible Studies - Part 12" * Arrange in advance for one or two publishers to comment on what helped them to make progress in starting and conducting Bible studies.

    20 min: Organizing to Assist the Elderly. Talk by an elder based on the August 15, 1993, Watchtower, pages 28-9, under the subheading "Organizing Is Valuable." Mention arrangements that have been made in the congregation to assist sick and elderly ones.

    Song 164 and concluding prayer.

    * Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.

  • xjwms

    This looks like what I remember five years ago.

    Is it always the same?

  • lawrence

    Folks, this week's service meeting will require 10 or less minutes in the Worldwide Congregation of JWs-

    Song 98 -- 2 Minutes

    10 min: Local announcements. - Accounts, Donate to WWW, 1 Undisfellowshipping, 3 Disfellowshippings 3 Minutes

    15 min: "Conducting Progressive Bible Studies - Part 12" * ; Arrange in advance for one or two publishers to comment on what helped them to make progress in starting and conducting Bible studies. 1 Minute - "We once had Bible Studies and are working hard on that, if anyone is interested in a Bible Study, please contact someone at the literature counter...."

    20 min: Organizing to Assist the Elderly. ; Talk by an elder based on the August 15, 1993, Watchtower, pages 28-9, under the subheading "Organizing Is Valuable." ; Mention arrangements that have been made in the congregation to assist sick and elderly ones. 1 Minute - "Who else helps the elderly like us? Need I say more? Hey we're Jehovah's Witnesses!" Clap. Conclude

    Song 164 and concluding prayer. 3 Minutes

    * Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.

  • rebel8

    LOL Lawrence!!!!!!!

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    So there is a 20-minute part on helping the elderly! Wow! I have been complaining for years that we don't do anything about the needs of the elderly. Even when there is an article in the Watchtower or Awake every couple of years or a short blurb about it, it is so little emphasized. I recently asked an ex-elder when was the last time he could remember anything in the Kingdom Ministry that encouraged helping the elderly or anyone sick in the congregation. He couldn't remember.

    This is an issue that finally broke the camel's back as far as my loyalty to the organization. The WT volume guves several good suggestions on how to care for the elderly, but it really doesn't encourage much in an organized way. In my father's congregation the elders did absolutely nothing for my parents. A small handful of compassionate sisters (I could count them on one hand) helped a little, but over a seven-year period it really didn't add up to much. The congregation left it up to "family" members (that was me) and it finally broke my spirit.

    Do you think that 20 minutes on a service meeting about caring for the elderly, probably the first time it has ever been done, will make any difference? Don't you think they should put as much emphasis on that as they do on the preaching work?

    As a side note, once my mother died and my father was nearing the end of his life, all of a sudden other family members became quite helpful, and now my loyal JW daughter has taken over all control and talked my father into gifting her his home. They told my father that I had complained against the FDS which was a half truth. I had only made a brief comment that there were some things I didn't understand.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Song 98 Contemptuous of the Faith

    10 min: Local pronouncements.

    15 min: "Conducting Possessed Bible Studies - Part 12 " * Estrange in advance for one or two publishers to comment on what helped them to become possessed while starting and conducting Bible studies.

    20 min: Organizing to Ignore the Elderly. Talkfest by an elder based on the August 15, 1993, Watchtower, pages 28-9, under the subheading "Ignoring Is Valuable." Mention arrangements that have been made in the congregation to ignore sick and elderly ones.

    Song 164 Children Precious Gifts from God (that can’t be trusted and need two witnesses when they are abused.) and concluding prayer.

    * Limit introductory comments to less than a month of Sundays, and follow with a question-and-answer deflection.

  • stillajwexelder

    In our hall the item on the elderly was very self-congratulatory - as expected I suppose!

  • JH
    assist sick and elderly

    Yeah, and how about helping the POOR???? (Some can hardly afford the gas it takes for all those meetings)

    Nah, the Watchtower doesn't dig in their pockets for the poor in the congregation...

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