Pacman can help you understand how to "see" God. First go to this link and observe how easily your mind will create a pattern (seeing a square that isn't there) when given OTHER and seemingly non-related information.
Go here first:
Notice that your brain Predicted a square from a kind of visual inference.
the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation
The brain is pattern seeking. We take many unrelated sets of mind patterns and FILL IN THE BLANK with forced sets of conclusions (like the square that isn't there.)
Here are a number of conclusions we have on hand in our brain all the time.
1.Things come from other things. Manufactured things are made by intelligent designs.
2.Intelligence is creative.
3.The act of creating is the act of intelligent intention and purpose.
These become inferences that resonate "meaning" when we look at the trees, flowers, universe and mankind.
The result?
We fill in the BLANK.
We "see" GOD.