HOW we "see" GOD (A step by step tutorial)

by Terry 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Pacman can help you understand how to "see" God. First go to this link and observe how easily your mind will create a pattern (seeing a square that isn't there) when given OTHER and seemingly non-related information.

    Go here first:

    Notice that your brain Predicted a square from a kind of visual inference.


    the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation

    The brain is pattern seeking. We take many unrelated sets of mind patterns and FILL IN THE BLANK with forced sets of conclusions (like the square that isn't there.)

    Here are a number of conclusions we have on hand in our brain all the time.

    1.Things come from other things. Manufactured things are made by intelligent designs.

    2.Intelligence is creative.

    3.The act of creating is the act of intelligent intention and purpose.

    These become inferences that resonate "meaning" when we look at the trees, flowers, universe and mankind.

    The result?

    We fill in the BLANK.

    We "see" GOD.


  • Preston

    Where's Ms. Pacman?

    ..and shouldn't there be a couple of ghosts trying to chase him?

    - Preston

  • Terry
    Where's Ms. Pacman?

    ..and shouldn't there be a couple ;of ghosts trying to chase him?

    We infer the existence of Ms. Pacman in the same way we extrapolate the existence of the, uh hem, deity.

    The ghosts are INVISIBLE, silly.


  • tetrapod.sapien
    the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation

    behold, the difference between Darwin and Paley.

    the root of the argument from design is exactly what you write here, Terry. this is why the creation / evolution debate has meaning for me. The argument from design is truly the last bastion in the faith of so many people i meet.

    Evolution may not have anything to do with non-belief, but non-belief has everything to do with evolution, IMO.


  • Terry
    Evolution may not have anything to do with non-belief, but non-belief has everything to do with evolution, IMO.

    Well said, young Paduan!


  • Qcmbr

    Terry - how ironic - this example could well be applied to the current understanding of evolutionary history. On the flip side there are records of people actually seeing God, having discussions with him etc.. I haven't seen God yet but if I do ever happen to be looking at flashing bits of light and in the after image I see God I'll let you know just so you can pronounce my God a figment of my imaginagion and an occular error.

    I'll stick with seeing God in the movement of planets, the birth of a baby, love, miracles, the glorious human body and spiritual fulfillment. You just keep disproving Him with optical tricks. Suits me.

    Makes me wonder whther you actually have any interest in whether God exists or whether this is just an exercise in showing people how smart you think you are.

  • Qcmbr

    and that's a pretty abysmal misuse of the word whether :) I'm off to bed

  • Terry
    Makes me wonder whther you actually have any interest in whether God exists or whether this is just an exercise in showing people how smart you think you are.

    Oh yes. I wish to demonstrate to you how smart I am. That is it. That is why I waste my time posting on JWD. I long for your attention. I crave your approval. I NEED YOU to know how smart I am. Please, please approve of me! I'm desperate. Notice me!! Notice me!! I must have your approval!! PLEASE! I'm begging you......

    Ummmm, well, it didn't work, did it?



  • Terry
    and that's a pretty abysmal misuse of the word whether :) I'm off to bed

    Damn! I'm trying to impress you with how smart I am and here I have NO IDEA what you mean.

    I feel so stupid.


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