Landlord Sues Restaurateurs Over Ghosts (JW Related)
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Landlord Sues Restaurateurs Over Ghosts (JW related)
by alias 8 Replies latest jw friends
Shouldn't they be able to walk in, say "Jehovah" and the spirt disapear?!
Franklin said Christopher Chung's religious beliefs as a Jehovah's Witness required him to "avoid encountering or having any association with spirits or demons,"
I wonder if he was a dub before the WT started baptising its victims into the spirit directed organisation.
Thanks, Scully. :)
The lawsuit also asks a judge to decide whether the building is haunted and, if so, whether the ghosts would interfere with the restaurant's business.
Sorry but in this case I'd side with the Dubs or anyone else in the same situation. No one should be forced to move in with spirits if they don't want to.......I certainly wouldn't.
Chung also objected to the offer for an exorcism because it is a Roman Catholic rite not accepted by his faith.
What's a dub to do? The Watchtower doesn't perform exorcisms, do they? Maybe they should! I'm sure at the first sight of a Governing Body(tm) member, any spooks would head for the hills! Would *you* wanna tangle with one of the "Annointed of Jehovah"?
DannyHaszard Jehovah's Witnesses at your door? Posted by DannyHaszard on Friday September 9, 2005 at 5:58 am MST [ Send Story to Friend ]
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Instilling phobias.
The Jehovah's Witnesses claim to be the one true religion protected by their almighty God Jehovah then how come they are so superstitious?
Jehovah's Witnesses calling at your door?
Jehovah's Witnesses - Who are they and what do they believe?
I have Jehovah's Witnesses family in Naples Florida who practice the Watchtower JW enforced ritual shunning that i have not seen or heard from in 15 years. The WatchTower Corporation is a media publishing, real estate development, and convention sponsoring company and their literature all promotes the corporation and those goals.
The Watchtower is BIG money, being one of the top 40 New York City Corporations making nearly one billion dollars a year. That's just from one of their many corporations.
Jehovah's Witnesses follow the teachings begun during the second presidency of the Watchtower, when Joseph F. Rutherford took over in a corporate flap and began changing doctrines quickly in the Watchtower belief system.
He claimed that angels directly conveyed "truth" to some of those in leadership. He coined the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" to make them stand out from being witnesses of Jesus, a typical evangelical _expression (and a Biblical one).
Rutherford dumped holidays, birthdays and the 1874 date for the invisible return on Christ, and invented an "earthly class" of Witnesses, since only 144,000 can go to heaven according to their teaching.
The rest, meaning all 99.9% of Witnesses still alive, will live forever on a cleansed earth, under the rule of the Watchtower corporate headquarter leaders in heaven, who will keep them in line by local elders known as "princes."
If you have been "witnessed to" by Jehovah's Witnesses and you reject their message, you will likely DIE "shortly" at Armageddon with all the other non-Witnesses, since theirs is the only true religion, and (if they can live up to all the rules) they are the only ones to inhabit this "new earth."
To even vocally question the teachings of the Jehovah's Witness organization will result in complete cutting off, with family and friends usually being forbidden to talk to them.
The Watchtower is a truly ORWELLIAN world, in a time when Orwellian societies are nearly obsolete.
------ Danny Haszard-third generation Jehovah's Witness
Sorry but in this case I'd side with the Dubs or anyone else in the same situation. No one should be forced to move in with spirits if they don't want to.......I certainly wouldn't.
I have to agree! I wouldnt want to either. Been there done that, and dont like it!
And no, saying the name jehovah, and praying didnt help me out!
Did they not know, before signing the lease,( about the ghosts), as the Orlando Ghost Tours, took people through the building on a regular basis? The article says they own their own restaurant, so aren't they from the area?
Buttlight, so you mean it was all hogwash, the thing about calling out Jehovah's name if you sense demons???? Hmmmm.....maybe that's why it doesn't work in my old house? LOL