Because it will for a long time.
by ISP 4 Replies latest jw friends
Because it will for a long time.
I hope so, theres more Star Wars and Matrix movies to come out
Yeah, and Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings coming out in Dcember.
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
Don't forget spider-man the movie, goonies 2, tron 2, the upcoming disney cartoons, peter pan 2, treasure planet (like treasure island but in the future), and a cute one I forgot the title about an alien who looks alot like a koala who comes to earth and becomes the pet of a girl who dosent realize hes a dangerous alien criminal.
Also there will be an all computer animated teenage mutan t ninja turtles (hero turtles for you europeans) that is true to the original comic book, dark, bloody and $%#^& cool.
There is a ton of movies and i hope god dosent kill all us apostates cuz' i wanna watch dem' movies.
I hope it lasts at least a little longer. I just spent 3 months relandscaping my yard. If it was all for naught I'm gonna be seriously pissed.