I don't know if anyone proposed this already and I don't know if it will help at all but... What if we all wrote letters to the Court in defense of Quotes and how it has been of benefit t each and everyone of us. At the very least we may get some attention and (again, I'm not sure if this will be beneficial or not) try to get some media coverage showing how the WT is afraid of people reading anything that may present them in a 'bad light'. I don't know, maybe I'm talking out of my ass here, but we might get some people to actually go on the web and do some real research on the WT. What do you guys think?
About the Quotes Lawsuit
by Mastodon 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals
That's actually a great idea.
Let's wait until Quotes sees your idea though and has a chance to run it by his legal counsel.
That is exactly the same tactic the WTS uses against abuse victims in lawsuits.
They tell everyone in the pedos congo to write a letter sayying what a FINE CLEAN UPSTANDING member of the congygation he is. HOW HE SHARES IN THE PREACHING WORK AND EVERYBODY TRUSTS him.
If they see that as a fair tactic, why not?
Get the address prontinto. And while we're at it , why don't we slow things down at Canada Bethel, by a letter writing campaign along the lines they did with the president of Malawi and Cameroon?
G Money
Better to write Amicus Curae briefs, maybe get a free speech group to help or an anti cult group or a major other religion.
Will Power
Yeah, like "friends of the court" - the way the WT stood up for Jimmy Swaggert and all those others that were going to get TAXED !!
They just morph into something else eh?
slithering isn't it.
wp -
A great idea indeed, but I'd be very careful as to what to write in the letters. Should you write that the quotes site opened your eyes to the real truth, and that you were finally able to put this sect behind you with the help of the quotes site, you might be giving the WTBS the trump card they need. They'd say "See? Our faithful ones are being misled by that site".On the other hand, a nice letter, saying how much you enjoy the quotes site could probably do no harm. Personally, I'd love to write a letter, saying how I'd really miss the site, as I use it all the time to look up stuff because I don't have any old watchtowers at hand.
(edited to add) Personally, I'd also mention that I found the quotes site AFTER I had already left the WTBS.