I wonder if the WTS will fleece those getting relief assistance! Those at shelters will be getting $2000 (or something per family), but those at "the brothers' homes" will need to show up somewhere to receive that assistance, or however things will work. In that light, will Crooklyn send down some folks to act as "Power Of Attorney" to grab up the loot, and then coerce "The FaithFul" to donate a cut, seeing that the World Wide family is acting so benevolently (at this time). Corrupted bible in one hand, a stack of Excel spreadsheet projections in another hand, always wearing the accountant's head shade. Slimy bastards, matter of fact - murderers!
I wonder if the WTS will fleece those getting relief assistance!
by lawrence 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It was announced an hour ago on CNN that FEMA has suspended that program, citing security concerns. Must be worried about people being shaken down for their card.
Guess that means they'll have to contact 60 COs who are in transit to the shelters. "Brother BeatenUp, yes get your dedicated body back to Duluth. The relief distribution is on hold. We'll give you the word when to head back that way. Remember, you need to be back for tomorrow's field service."