A post from elsewhere in 'cyberspace'...
Dearest [blank]... may you have peace!
If ANYONE is getting 'sick' from partaking, it is the result of a 'bruised' conscience, which conscience has been bruised NOT by such one 'unworthily partaking'... but by the perpetuated LIE that all should not be doing so. If you will, review the words of my Lord at John 6:48-56... and notice the word:
"anyone" in verse 50
"anyone" and "live forever" in verse 51
"Unless" and "no life in yourselves" in verse 53
"has everlasting life" and "I shall resurrect him" in verse 54; and
"remains in union with me" in verse 56.
There are those whose teachings would SHUT UP THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS, by convincing some to DISOBEY the Christ... and fail to LISTEN to him... and obey his commandments. What commandments?
"KEEP doing this, in remembrance of me."
Who should be doing it? A 'little flock"? Let me ask you, wasn't such 'little flock' to become ONE flock with the 'other sheep'? Indeed they were... JUST LIKE... the 'vast mixed company' who left Egypt WITH Israel, but were NOT Israel... beCAME Israel by means of:
Celebrating the Passover and EATING the Passover Lamb WITH Israel;
Crossing the Red Sea (symbolized by water baptism) WITH Israel
Becoming circumcised in the flesh WITH Israel;
Entering intot the Law Covenant at Mt. Sinai, WITH Israel;
Being sprinkled with the blood of the Law Covenant WITH Israel;
Accepting the provisions of the Law Covenant, including the priesthood WITH Israel; and thus,
Being allowed to worship in the Temple WITH Israel (the Courtyard of the Gentiles).
Such ones were NOT excluded from ANY part or feature of the Law Covenant; how then, are they precluded from the NEW Covenant... which is a BETTER Covenant... and open to ALL... INCLUDING the 'nations'? Indeed, did not Paul(?) say:
". . . that our forefathers were ALL under the cloud
and ALL passed through the sea, and ALL got baptized
into Moses by means of the cloud and of the sea...
and ALL ate the SAME spiritual food and drank the SAME
spiritual drink. For they USED to drink from the
spiritual rock-mass that followed them... and that
rock-mass... WAS... the Christ."
1 Corinthians 10:1-4
At the time that Paul(?) spoke about eating and drinking unworthily, ALL partook. So, he was NOT saying that there were some who shouldn't. No, he was speaking about WHY they partook, that if they did not 'discern' that such was the BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST... rather than simply mere bread and wine... they would be eating and drinking 'unworthily'. Why were his words necessary? Because some would arrive already full, having eating at home, and thus saw no need to 'eat and drink' again... because they were full and even alread drunk. And others would not have eaten a meal, and so when they got there, tried to eat and drink it ALL... so that there was none left for late arrivers. They didn't understand... DISCERN... the true PURPOSE and REPRESENTATION of the bread and wine.
He also admonished them to 'scrutinize' themselves... NOT to discern whether they should or should not eat and drink (for ALL should...), but because IF they ate and drank with 'leaven'... hatred and hypocrisy... in their hearts, by means of having 'something against another', particularly a brother... they were 'eating and drinking judgment'... against themselves! How so? God is an examiner of HEARTS... not of flesh. He sees what is on the INSIDE of a man; not the outside. In eating and drinking, we are 'approaching before the altar of God'... to partake of a 'sacrifice'... the Lamb. IF we make such approach 'unclean'... that is 'dirty in our hearts'... we then PROFANE that sacrifice... and have no 'covering'. Thus, our hatred and hypocrisy... our JUDGMENT against our 'brother'... will come to be upon us. For with the same 'judgment' that WE are judging... we will BE 'judged'.
Paul(?) was trying to admonish those present... and us today... to 'cleanse our hands... and purify our hearts'... which is what ALL who approach the altar of God... must do... BEFORE approaching. The Levite priests literally had to wash; however, since the NEW Covenant is one with regard to the SPIRIT, versus the OLD one which was in regard to the FLESH... it is our SPIRITS... our HEARTS... that must be 'cleansed'.
The ones who are experiencing sick feelings because of partaking, are doing so because of an unclean conscience... either because their hearts aren't 'clean'... or because their consciences have been 'damaged'... by 'false christs', who have come into the world to 'mislead, if possible, EVEN the chosen ones.' ALL of mankind have the opporunity to 'hear' the invitation... and accept... and be 'chosen'. What is that invitation? Just as you heard, it is of the Spirit AND the Bride, which say:
"COME! Take 'life's water'... free!"
This invitation... to freely partake of 'life's water'... HOLY SPIRIT... is extended to ALL who 'wish' it, who are 'thirsting' for it... and who 'hear'. Not ALL will receive it, though. For many are invited; few are chosen. Why is that? Because not all who 'hear'... and even 'get the SENSE of it, build their 'houses' on the rock-mass that IS Christ, the Foundation Cornerstone, and the Apostles, the Foundation... and their faith. WE... are a 'building under construction' ON that foundation and its cornerstone. Some, however, instead build their houses upon the SAND... and are as my Lord stated, 'seeds' that plant themselves in rocky soil, or get blown away, or eaten. It is the 'fine soil', however... FAITH... in which we must 'plant' ourselves.
Thus, to those who 'hear' what the Spirit and the Bride say to the congregation:
KISS the Son! Eat his flesh and drink his blood... in FAITH... that 'seasons of refreshment' may come to be upon you from the person of my Father, JAH OF ARMIES... and His Son, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. Drink from HIS 'cistern'... and from none other... and that 'water'... holy spirit... WILL 'become like a fountain IN you... bubbling up... to impart everlasting life'.
John 7:37, 38
EAT... and become satisfied... DRINK... and become quenched!
May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES (Psalm 68:4) and the peace of His Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH (Jah Saves; Chosen/Anointed of Jah), come to be upon you... to time indefinite... if indeed you so 'wish' it and are 'thirsting' for it.
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those that 'go with' Israel, by means of a TRUE anointing with holy spirit... and a slave of Christ,
In addition, kes152 stated:
Greetings, [blank]
May you have peace in Christ Jesus!
I found your statement of 'judgement' interesting when you cited 1 Corinthians 11:23-32. I noticed that when reviewing the context of what Paul was saying, it wasn't about "non-anointed" eating and drinking.
In 1 Corinthians 11:20 He says it is not possible for them to eat the 'meal' when they come together. The reason is because when they did come together, ones would greedily consume all the bread and get drunk off the wine. (verse 21, 22).
Then he speaks of how he recieved by 'direct revelation' what our Lord did respecting the memorial of him, by means of the unleavened bread and wine. (Paul didn't find out through scriptures or the 12, but by holy spirit). Then in 27 he says those who eat and drink unworthily (such as they have BEEN doing) will be guilty. If they "approve themselves" (not by the elders) and "come clean" in sight of the Lord by scrutiny, they may eat. By doing this they would not disrespect the Lord by greedily consuming the bread and wine.
Now in the event that one "eats and drinks judgement," what happens? In verse 32 Paul says that IF we eat and drink judgement, we will be "disciplined" by the Lord.* One thing to note is that ones who get "disciplined" by the Lord are recognized as 'sons of God." (Hebrews 12:7, 8 10). If then we are 'sons' we are ALSO "heirs indeed of God, joint heirs with Christ." (Romans 8:17). So the "issue" was NOT non-anointed ones partaking and thus eating and drinking judgement, but those who DID partake, were not respecting of the 'meal' when partaking. They were greedily eating and drinking and despising one another. Hence when they did come together, it was for "judgement" and NOT to glorify Jesus and Jehovah.
That is why Paul said that those who get "judged," are judged so that they are NOT condemened with the world. Eating and drinking judgement does NOT "condemn" you (1 Cor. 11:32). And the discipline you recieve after eating and drinking, confirms you are a 'son,' for those who are not 'sons' are NOT disciplined by Jah.
Hebrews 12:8
Peace to you,
So, for that are 'interested'... and 'hear'... or 'wish' to hear... what the Spirit says to the congregation, we invite you:
"COME! Take 'life's water'... FREE!"
Peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
SJ, servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those that 'go with' them, as well as to ALL who everywhere call on the name of the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, known to many of you as "Jesus Christ."