WTS limits Field Service in Certain Cases
Should users of tobacco and those addicted to drugs, or those taking “substitute” drugs (like those on the “methodone program”), be allowed to share with us in the filed ministry?– July 1973, KM, P.4, ‘Question Box’
After glowing and altruistic statements, the WTS concludes:
“... Circumstances of individuals will vary, but in every case involving those not completely free of their addiction the deciding factor is whether their accompanying us in our field ministry will be cause for stumbling or not. In some cases their going along to a home Bible study or on a return visit might cause no problem, whereas going from door to door might require greater caution to avoid a wrong impression.“However, such a one would certainly not be encouraged to go from house to house on his own or to represent himself at the homes as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Neither would a field service report be accepted from such a one.”
So, a child molester can go door to door, representing himself as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and even go to the doors on his own. But, someone who still has a problem with cigarettes or maybe marijuana is barred as one who would not be encouraged from even representing themselves as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Earlier, in the Dec 1974 KM, P.8, ‘Question Box, the WTS quotes from the Organization book of those who are not disfellowshiped, but either reproved or recently reinstated,
“The person would be free to fully engage in the preaching work and to report such...”, Likely in the case of a NOTORIOUS situation where one is publicly reproved, it would be the course of wisdom for that one to engage in the preaching work in a section of the territory where the problem is not widely known, at least for a while.”
So, by this standard, if you commit any crime, even a NOTORIOUS crime, you can be shuffled off to another part of town, for a while, until the problem blows over, but keep preaching anyway. Even child molesters, then, could be classed in this category. But, if you smoke a Marlboro, then you are encouraged not to go house to house alone, or represent yourself as a Witness, or turn in your time. Fascinating set of values. - Amazing