A problem arises when a person leaves or is booted out and slowly discovers the real truth about the WTS. There often is an intense sense of betrayal. It can be traumatic for many people. And people who have been traumatized need to go through a certain process to recover.
One thing that is deeply needed is to find a way to make sense of this new information that goes so much against everything that the JWs are taught. I agree that many people try to get others out and have this intense need to "save" others from the WTS or to warn others about the dangers. In doing this, however, they are very often trying to work through the trauma themselves. In the retelling and the explaining the process of recovery is started. We have a need to prove to ourselves that it really was that bad and we have a right to feel betrayed and angry.
For those who are leaving any belief system the internet can help facilitate the gathering of new information and sharing stories that can hasten the recovery process.
When I left the JWs 20 years ago I was so isolated. We couldn't speak to JWs and we couldn't speak to x-JWs and no one else understood. I know I was scared to read "apostate information. I think it was so much harder before I got on the interent.
Now people can get information even before they leave and find out just how wrong the WTS is. I think it makes the whole process so much easier and faster.
But getting the information is only one part of the recovery. Finding ways to explain it to others can be a way to process it ourselves and move the recovery along at a much faster rate. Talking to others who have left, helps us feels less alone and gives us the opportunity to verify and validate the new information and our own feelings about the trauma of realizing we were betrayed.
And after living the mentally secluded life of a JW it can be very helpful to explore our own ability to reason and assess any new information we learn. We learn a lot of skills that JWs miss out on by coming to sites like this. Our ability to interact with others was severely hampered as JWs. We were given a "community" of friends who all believed the same thing and did the same things. We lost out on diversity and differences and that the differences can enrich our lives. We need learn that everything isn't black or white but all the colors of the rainbow. We even need to learn about what kinds of things we like after being so limited for so long. Especailly for those who were born into it and have never had a chance to try new things the need to experiment can be tremendous and sometimes even wind up hurting themselves in there attempts to find their own belief system.
Trauma can be paralizing. But we don't need to stay in that place. Talking to others whether they are/were JWs or to those who were never JWs provides us with a strong tool to help us all move that process along. And sharing what we have learned provides others with the support needed to travel the road to recovery.