Looking at the Katrina cleanup and care package it seems to me that churches have once again proved their worth if for no more than to act as shelters, rallying points for those wishing to help, donation gathering places and places to receive counselling and a shoulder to cry on.
I've just been reading about the vast efforts made by religious organisations and to me all the criticism of religion must be balanced by its ability to gather like minded, generally good, people together united by a common ideal (if not doctrine) and doing great things.
Katrina - Churches have proved their worth.
by Qcmbr 2 Replies latest jw friends
While I don't want to take anything away from their kind efforts, whic have been wonderful, I believe that if there were no churches good hearted people would band together some other way and accomplish the same thing.
Yah I guess people are always willing to overlook the pedophiles and false teachings when in need ............... I confess I would also .