I loved watching her play alone,
unaware of adoring eyes that welled up,
while she served imaginary tea, ever so graciously,
in her long, flowered dress.
After a short time, my heart overflowing,
I could no longer resist approaching my young princess,
in hopes of being invited to join her
in the transcendent moment.
“Oh, Father!” she would exclaim, beaming proudly,
“We are so happy that you could join us!”.
“Won’t you please have a seat?” she would implore,
with all the charm of a countess.
She would politely introduce me to all of her guests,
and, after a time, she would come and sit in my lap
and wrap those delicate little arms
around my neck.
Placing a gentle kiss on her cheek,
she would return three or four,
eyes smiling with love
that only a daughter can give.
Edited by - AhHah on 15 September 2000 2:40:19
Edited by - AhHah on 15 September 2000 18:13:13