You'll find the books at the end of this email this is a simple list and completely unnecessary in my opinion, you could go into any library in the world and get the date of 586/587 there is no dissenting scholarly voice so why bother with a list any history book will suffice...
I don't wish to argue with you there is no point, you made that abundantly clear when you said "the reason you stopped being a witness is because you didn't want to live by bible standards..." This is the fall back of the truly brainwashed/cultist... Not "I don't understand what made you come to that conclusion." Or "what research did you do that made you change your mind." There is NEVER any acceptance of the fact that this was a well thought out researched soul searched decision its always well you wanted to be a bad person. This is because the brainwashed individual is afraid that if he admits that anyone could do research and come too a different conclusion then maybe his conclusion is not right either... I WOULD like to know what have I changed that is out of line with bible principles? I'm still with my wife I still provide for my family, I don't steal or lie or cheat the IRS so what bible standard did I not wish to live up too? Not selling magazines? Not going to 5 meetings a week? Not following two hundred rigidly enforced man made rules that are arbirtarily changed on a whim every six months????
I told you earlier that my reasons for leaving the witnesses had nothing to do with their failed prophecy their flip-flopping beliefs their hundred and twenty plus years of idiotic policy change and man made rules. My reasons are my own! The issues I brought in answer to YOUR question today came several YEARS after I left! The reason I started doing research into things like the society being a member of the UN for 10 years and their failed prophecy and complete lunatic beginnings is that everyone says "you know its the truth" "you know what you should be doing" "you left so that you could live a life of debauchery..." So I started doing research into other things just to get people to SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE! Once I started doing research I realized "not only is this not the truth this is idiotic! This is stupidity on a degree which boggles the mind!"
You live your life how you wish. You are still my brother and if you choose to be a JW that's fine with me... Just remember YOU brought it up and I've NEVER shunned YOU...