by badboy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    I understand that Vitamin c intravious transfusion into a cancer sufferer's bloodvessels may improve a cancer sufferer's condition(IT MAY NOT CURE THEM)

    What would the WT position be on this treatment?

  • Elsewhere

    I've also heard that drinking water helps prevent death. Hell, one can die after just one week without it!

  • jgnat

    LOL Elsewhere! I couldn't have said it better.

    My first thought, Vitamin C transfusions would be hell on the kidneys.

    Why would the WT have one opinion or the other on it? It's not like Vitamin C is made from blood or anything.

  • Billygoat
    My first thought, Vitamin C transfusions would be hell on the kidneys.

    But you can't overdose on Vitamin C can you? Doesn't the extra just "wash out"?

  • jgnat

    Yes, and the Kidneys are the "washers". So a megadose of Vitamin C, which would be higher than what we could absorb through our stomachs, would really put a strain on those amazing filters, our Kidneys!

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Jehovah's witnesses are notorious for quack cures. For a people trusting in God they are willing to do the wierdest stuff. I'm sure individual witnesses would swear by this treatment. Go see a real doctor and take your chances.


  • badboy

    This is from a scientific report,ME THINKS

    Some decades ago, they carried out some research and concluded it didn't work.

    This lot have concluded that only intravious transfusions work.

  • ballistic

    Too much vitiman C causes diarrhea, you only need a few high dose pills to have that effect, god knows what would happen if you injected it.

  • blondie

    Here's a news article from Watching the World (remember the WTS is merely reporting not necessarily endorsing this)


    g79 6/8 p. 30 Watching the World ***


    C and Cancer


    The chief surgeon of Torigai Hospital in Fukuoka, Japan, claims that vitamin C prolongs the lives of terminal cancer patients. Over a period of four years, he administered the vitamin to 99 cases judged hopeless, giving 1.5 grams daily to 44 persons and 29 grams to 55. "As of August 1978, the average length of life after the start of Vitamin C administration was 201 days in the second group but only 43 days in the first," reports The Daily Yomiuri of Tokyo. According to the doctor, five of the high-dose group are still alive after three years. His results were said to correspond closely with those of Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling, who administered vitamin C to a group of terminal cancer patients in Scotland a year ago. Pauling claims they survived four times as long as patients who did not receive the vitamin.

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