I am seeing someone thats about 10 years older than me.She also works where I work.I am a union worker and she is "management"in the same company I work for.We have alot in common ,and I have been seeing her for about 2 1/2 -3 months.I know that isn't a long time,but I do really like her.I am atracted to her mentally and physically.My question is,can this work?Should I let her be the aggressor,do I tell her that I like her alot.I don't want to scare her away,but it's hard to be in limbo,even for a guy.I don't really know what she wants out of this,and neither do I.We also have to keep it a secret at work,which isn't a big deal right now,but could be down the line.I should probably just take it slow,as I have.The org fucked me up in the trelationship department,so I am a bit lost.Is the age difference to much.I don't feel it is,because I enjoy her company.Its wierd,because my last real relationship,I was in charge,you know,the one who gets loved more than he gives,now I feel the shoe is on the other foot.Time will tell,but anyone been in this situation before.Just curious!
Question for women-and men{preferably gay}
by stopthepain 2 Replies latest jw friends
did I mention she thinks the cult is crazy!!!
I don't feel the love here,I just need /want some advice from my ex -jw friends.Anyone!!
I don't think the age difference is too bad. My next door neighbors have an even bigger age difference (I think she is about 13 years older than he is) and they have been together for 20 years. Letting her know you're interested is not necessarily a bad thing (just my opinion, as a woman) as long as you don't act clingy or desperate. Hope you get some more good advice soon.