Well, I Guess That's It!

by luna2 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2

    An old JW friend of mine stopped by this morning to "encourage" me. Actually, she had to call me on her cell, because I don't have a doorbell and I didn't hear her knock. She asked me to come down so she could talk to me....and I told her that I didn't think it would be a good idea as I'm planning to turn my DA letter in soon....so, no, I wouldn't come down. Poor woman, I shocked her down to her toes. Bet I wrecked her day.

    Guess I'd better get cracking on that letter, huh? LOL

  • anewme

    Luna2, I guess that was the right call on your part to refuse the visit. Our relationships in the borg are understood to be conditional, that is, we are friends only if we serve Jehovah. She will understand. You are going about things the right way to get out of the org with the least drama.

  • luna2

    Yeah, anewme, there was really no point in us having a long, drawn out conversation...and it's not like we are close. Fact is, I have no close friends in this congregation. Once I stopped attending meetings, that was pretty much it. This gal will stop 'round a couple times a year and try to guilt me into going back and car groups will occassionally stop by the store (where I work) while out in service, which is something I really hate.

    Even on the phone after I made my announcement, she hauled out all the old JW lines used to sway new people. How stupid does she think I am? Been there, done that, not going back. I just didn't want to waste the time talking as all it would have been was each of us trying to convince the other that they are wrong.

  • stillajwexelder

    excellent decision

  • Scully

    Geeez how rude. Imagine someone you don't want to talk to, showing up at your house - UNinvited - and demanding that you go out to speak to them, as if you're a child and they have the right to show up on your property and boss you around.

    Who the heck does she think she is? I wouldn't even comply with that sort of request if it were my own mother making it.

  • luna2

    Isn't it always that way though, Scully? Or maybe that was just my experience. After I was hooked, I always felt admonished, lectured, bossed around, and reprimanded as a witness. Maybe that's why I felt no obligation to trot downstairs and obey this woman now. Those buggers don't control me any more.

    When witnesses first study with people they pretend to value their opinions. They are mostly very agreeable and reasonable as they strive to reel in their catch. After the prospect is caught and caged, then the gloves come off and the constant brow beating into WTS conformity really begins. It was interesting that when I disagreed with her comment about how bad the state of the world was as being a sign of "the END" and said that there have always been natural disasters, wars and diseases, she reverted to that stage-one mindset and suddenly agreed with me..."Yes there have been, and I can see why you feel that way, but...." I got a such a sense of deja vu. I well remember being on both the giving and receiving end of that old suck-up con game and it made me feel slightly sick. All I wanted to do after that was end the conversation.

  • TresHappy

    To this day the JW's stop by my parent's house unannounced. It's amazing to me how many times I'm on the phone with my mom and sister such and such stops by!

  • Es

    Oh wow bet that got the adrenilin pumping on both accounts.

    Good luck with the letter hun


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