Do jehovahs witnesses agree with the death penalty. in Leviticus it says: "'And in case a man strikes any soul of mankind fatally, he should be put to death without fail.
JW's and the Death Penalty
by minty 4 Replies latest jw friends
jw's claim to follow the bible, but they pick and choose which parts to follow. technically they would claim to follow what jesus said, not mosaic law which is what would have been in play in leviticus i guess. so in that light i do not think the party line is to agree with the death penalty, as life is sacred and it's only up to jehovah to judge, ironic that life is sacred to god, but that as jw's interpret it, blood is more sacred than life.
so when they say 'put to death without fail' who should put them to death exactly?
This is not really a issue for them.
The political issue is non existent for them as everything related to politics is bad, and you are more or less not allowed to have an opinion on those political issues.
The dead penalty under the mosaic law, is not longer valid, as they believe that Jesus eded the law.So, they expect God to put the death penalty over all innocent people soon. But they only expect to have to clean up the mess that god makes. Literary cleaning the corpses etc. ....
JW's are not philosophically opposed to the death penalty. They believe it was enjoined upon mankind as part of the Noachian covenant (Genesis 9:6) and therefore predates the Law.
For example:
*** w97 6/15 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***To put it pointedly, in his written Word, God does not indicate that capital punishment is wrong.
Early in human history, Jehovah shared his thoughts on the matter, as we read in Genesis chapter 9. This involved Noah and his family, who became ancestors of the entire human family. After they came out of the ark, God said that they could eat animals—that is, animals could be killed, drained of their blood, and eaten. Then, at Genesis 9:5, 6, God said: "Besides that, your blood of your souls shall I ask back. From the hand of every living creature shall I ask it back; and from the hand of man, from the hand of each one who is his brother, shall I ask back the soul of man. Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed, for in God’s image he made man." So Jehovah authorized capital punishment in the case of murderers.
However since capital punishment is such a highly charged political topic, JW's feel it is not something that Christians formally support or oppose. JW's therefore steer well clear of this debate.