Magazine placements up or down?

by ozziepost 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Average printing each issue of The Watchtower is UP.

    The current issue reports a figure of 23,042,000. This is up from the previous fig of 22,398,000.

    Just wondering: are magazine placements as reported by the pubs/pios correspondingly up?

    Does anyone have any details on mag placements?

    Like I said, just wonderingg.....actually, I'm intrigued as the impression I have from "on the ground" is that placements are DOWN.

    For example, Australia reports an av placement per publisher of around 5.0 which is down on previous years.

    Any news from other places?

    Ozzie (of the truth in advertising class)

  • Flip
    Any news from other places?

    Nope, but lets see Ozzie;

    23,000,000 Watchtower Magazines produced divided by six million Jehovah's Witnesses, that’s 3.83 purchased for distribution through out the world, on average, per issue.

    Now that sounds like getting the 'Good News' message out in a hurry...

    However, I don't know what the going rate of 'donation' is per Watchtower magazine, say we give it a nominal .25 cents US, that's guaranteed cash Revenue of $5,750,000 per each issue of the Watchtower...alone.

    It’s obvious where the WTB&TS concentrates their attention... infrastructure...rather than humanity.


  • nytelecom1

    haha.....i havent paid for a magazine since 97..
    and as current mag servant...........I am not the only one

  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo


    You are a frigging hoot!! I like your style. I think you got it all figured out: You seem to know that the WTS is bogus but you stay in good standing as the Mag servant so that you can have all the pretty ladies come to you for their magazines.

    Sign me up!!

  • nytelecom1

    yes......I scam on the sister with unbelieving mates
    cuz I know they are lonely and miserable.

    I scam on the married pioneer sisters cuz I know they hate
    their husbands for making em do this

    and I scam on the single pioneer sisters...cuz..well
    they are just so damn desperate!!!

  • JT


    yes......I scam on the sister with unbelieving mates
    cuz I know they are lonely and miserable.
    I scam on the married pioneer sisters cuz I know they hate
    their husbands for making em do this

    and I scam on the single pioneer sisters...cuz..well
    they are just so damn desperate!!!


    i hate to admit it though but you have describe so many females situation in the org to a tee


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