Rumored "Special Announcments" at upcoming Annual Meeting

by XBEHERE 9 Replies latest jw friends


    This is what a friend of mine told me who has a bethelite in his hall. He got invited to the annual meeting by this bethelite and of course my friend is all excited and can't wait to be "fed spiritually" . Anyway kind of got me curious so I will report on here once he tells me all the "wonderful experiences" he hears. Its scheduled for October 1.

  • kls

    This should be interesting to see if it is New Light or same crap . I would be , same crap but yes ,keep us up to date.

  • Gopher

    When the WT Society announces something is "special", they're just trying to build anticipation.

    They have 'special' assembly days, and there's nothing really different.

    They have 'special' talks on Sundays following their annual Memorial, and again there is nothing special about the content of those talks. It's just designed to draw more people in.

    Special announcements? It would be special if they announced they were apologizing for even one of their past mistakes, or that they would announce that nobody has to turn in field service report slips any more because service should come from the heart rather than be motivated by an effort to turn in good numbers.

    That'll happen and a cow will jump over the moon the same day.

  • Finally-Free
    This should be interesting to see if it is New Light or same crap .

    It'll be the same old spiritual pablum regurgitated to increase mushiness.


  • Elsewhere

    I'd bet it's just another "special" brochure or large format tract that will be release with the intent of delivering one to every single house within a period of two or three months.

    The WTS does this every few years and every single time all of th JWs get all excited about it.

    Much ado about nothing.

  • lawrence

    Big Announcement-

    From this date forward any baptized brother or sister, who has been baptized for 7 days or longer, and is 16 years old or older, may apply for Bethel Service.

    They're going to lower the age and go into new cottage businesses (candle making, pot holders, tie racks, shoe buffers, publication cases, CD cases, gifts for the "Friends", and a registry for JW weddings,etc.). The books just aren't selling like they once did and first class tickets cost a bundle.

  • blondie

    The only thing special might be an "official" announcement to those at the annual meeting regarding the 2 new GB members.

    The annual meeting has historically had very little "new or exciting." The last time was when the new corporations were formed with non-anointed in charge and 4 GB members were added (2000).


    The last time was when the new corporations were formed with non-anointed in charge and 4 GB members were added (2000).

    This is what I was thinking, some type of organizational change. I agree with all of you though, it would be special if they admitted to being liars, or stopped counting F/S time, or dropped the mtgs to 4 a wk.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    do me a favour... when you get the news, post it in a brand new topic so we can all see it... even if it's some kind of silly announcement like they always are

  • cultBgone

    LOL! From the Title you'd think this was a current post....but for any of you Doubters and Lurkers, this same cycle has been routinely repeated for DECADES! The same nonsensical "Announcements" and "New Light" and such...WAKE UP!!!

    Nothing is getting worse in the world except for the wts.

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