Hello All,
I was looking at the Freeminds website and noticed a page that listed a mess of the orgs forms that are used to report to the borg, I mean org. That is one heck of a pile that is used by the R&F as well as elders and such.
I was thinking, (no comments please), that with all the massive paperwork and strict control that members have to deal with, and with the MANDATORY reporting upon PAIN of PUNISHMENT that every R&F have to undergo, does'ent this take the RELIGION clause out of the WTS's religion with charitiable tax exempt status?
I mean, what "religion" do you know has to deal with piles of reporting paperwork? This is like some big corporation. And they reserve the right to punish you if you don't get the paperwork done, like your working for them! WITHOUT PAY!!!, ofcourse.
In most churches, you go to worship, donate to the cause, and LEAVE.
The disparity in the org to other churches is like night and day.
It seems to me that if all the paperwork the org issues can be documented, audio and visual evidence of paperwork transactions captured for all to see, and written testimony of such transactions given, then this evidence can be placed on the desk of the FEDs, or on their computers, and mabey an investigation can be conducted by some hotshot, (I'm dreaming now), and the orgs status as non-profitable charity religion could be changed.
I know I'm reaching here, but if just one aspect of their status changes then that may open them up to loosing tax exempt status, like in the case of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. Then it would be interesting to see the fds 'splain all the cutbacks they have to take being God's will.
Well, I'm fully Awake! now and back to reality, I think, just wanted to put this idea out.