It's bad, but not THAT bad

by Joel Wideman 1 Replies latest social current

  • Joel Wideman
  • Gretchen956

    Good article. I wondered about that too when I heard about the rapes and murders down there. One good thing I think happened with this disaster is that the reporters seem to have taken off their gloves with officials of government now and are asking hard questions that I haven't seen since 9/11. Its about time to hold these people accountable when they are not performing their jobs and it is costing people's lives, at whatever level of government that might be.

    The real destruction and loss of lives down in the gulf is sensational enough without adding unsubstantiated urban legends to the mix.

    People do tend to sensationalize things and reporters do pick up on it. The WTO "riots" in Seattle are a case in point. There were only a handful of people being destructive out of thousands. You'd think downtown Seattle would look like a war had occurred. I was down there the next day and only a few buildings were affected.



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