Hi all,
Remember a while back where i posted a topic on my next door neighbour and how i did not want her ex who seems not to be an ex anymore, to come to our wedding as he was caught stealing something at the engagement party????
Well heres an update: She came over the other day and asked if she could take my son next door for an icy pole. So after bout 10 mins i followed, she was playing with my son and drunk as usual if i had of known this before i would have said no. Anyway so I brought up the wedding and rsvps as they were nearly due. She said she was coming so i replied who are you bringing and she said nobody. I was a little shocked at this as this woman doesnt even go to shopping centres or out as she cant handle public places.
So i asked how she was getting there as she doesnt drive and she said i dont know. And it was left at that. I could tell she was very hesitant bout it all.
So anyway i msged her the other day as she works night shift at her work and explained to her if she didnt feel comfortable coming on her own that i would understand and that this would in no way jeoperdize our friendship...i also said if she did want to bring someone other than George we were more than happy with that too. I also asked her to give me an answer by Fri as that was the last rsvp date. I would hate to pay $100 per head for someone who doesnt turn up on the day as that is what she is like.
I just went to my letterbox and there was an rsvp card from her!!!! She is not coming!!!!!!. So i rang her to explain that i hope she didnt get the wrong idea bout what i said, and asked her if she wanted to come and bring someone else and she said no. She said she would come over on the day to see me, and that she understood what i was saying, she said she promises me that she knew i wasnt saying not come....but get this the rsvp card had no dear es and mike on it or from liza it just had her name and i am unable to come so that makes me wonder whether or not she does understand.
But im happy and im not isnt that weird....i am happy coz i was really really worried on the day how she would behave,knowing what she is like she would turn up drunk as thats the only way she can cope with people, and i was really worried she would cause a scene. And im not happy in a way coz now that her supposed ex is back in her life she has hit rock bottom again and is drunk and on medication again. She was so good after she broke up with him she was like sober for more than a week!
Oh well thought id keep you updated sorry its soooooo long
luv ya