G'day all,
We're running a little late this weekend but I figured we need a chance to lighten up a bit so here we go.
Today Mrs Ozzie and I attended a church service where we sang two opening songs - one modern with a guitarist/singer as leader and one traditional on the organ - neat, eh? It got me thinking of times in the past when we would rush into the KH during the opening song, trying not to look as though we were late! I always figured the opening song was to allow those coming late to get into the start of the meeting!
So, this weekend's poll question is............(drum roll)....................
Why do they only sing one song at a time at the KH?
1. They don't like them either!
2. They can't change the CDs fast enough!
3. They don't think the song is part of "the meeting"!
4. They think that too much singing is "worldly".
5. It's not "theocratic"
6. Would you want to??
7. It would take up too much time from the indoctrination teaching.
8. One's bad enough, they know how awful it would sound!
9. Why????
10. Why not????
11. It'd be "running ahead of the Organisation".
12. Other (please detail)
Note: points 9 and 10 are for those who like to argue.
OK, what do you reckon? Let us know, eh? and don't forget.......
Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)
Freedom means not having to wear a tie.