Just checking to see how you fared with Rita?
Anyone from Port Arthur/Beaumont Texas area?
by amused 2 Replies latest jw friends
I grew up there but I have not lived there for about seven years. I actually grew up right next the to sea wall. It was about 150 yards from my house.
It was interesting seeing the CNN and Fox news anchors standing in places that I recognized. Geraldo was standing in front of a train bridge with a road that dipped under it. It had over seven feet of water under it... that was Memorial Blvd and right up the road going NW and on the left was the local KH for the entire city.
The night before the storm came through Shepard Smith from FOX was standing at the corner of 9th Ave. and Gulfway (also known and 16th street and HWY 87). I grew up a few blocks SE on 9th Ave. At one point Shepard said: "We drove around for quite some time looking for a parking garage to park our equipment van and protect it from the water, but we couldn't find one." I just about LMAO.... ah yes... good ol' Port Arthur... "affectionately" known as the "Arm Pit of America".
You want to know why nothing of value was damaged there even though the eye went right over it? I'll tell you.... because there is nothing of value there. Trust me, there are only mosquitoes, alligators and a bunch of people hopped up on antidepressants.
My grandmother was born in Port Arthur and so was Janis Joplin, however she's not my grandmother.