Just wear a red string and join Kabbalahism:
The Red String protects us from the influences of the Evil Eye. Evil Eye is a very powerful negative force. It refers to the unfriendly stare and unkind glances we sometimes get from people around us. According to Kabbalah, the critical need to confront the problem of negative influences cannot be underestimated. Kabbalah teaches us that we can remove intrusive negative influences by using tools such as the Red String!
Since Demi Moore is in the news, figured I'd check out this cult. Typical. Web site starts out ok and starts to take a dive the minute they say "belief is not enough--knowing involves total removal of skepticism" or something like that. Been there, done that. :) www.kabbalah.com
So the moral of the story is...there is no moral of the story. Just interesting cult stuff.