Help With Reference?

by Francois 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    I'm sure you remember the statement in the WT that goes something like - the organization of JWs is the only channel of communication that God is using...words to that effect.

    Would any of you who have the exact quote and its citation please email it to me when you can? I would very much appreciate your help.


  • blondie

    Sorry, can't e-mail

    *** w95 7/1 19 "The Israel of God" and the "Great Crowd" ***
    Today, the remnant of anointed Christians as a body are “the faithful and discreet slave,” the channel for the distribution of spiritual food. (Matthew 24:45-47)

    *** w91 9/1 18-19 Jehovah and Christ-Foremost Communicators ***
    What of modern times? As foretold at Matthew 24:3, 45-47, the Master, Jesus Christ, has appointed “the faithful and discreet slave,” made up of anointed Christians, to care for all his belongings on earth during this day of his presence. That faithful and discreet slave is represented today by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, which has as its publicity agent the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Most appropriately, that faithful and discreet slave has also been called God’s channel of communication. It, in turn, encourages us to be good communicators. In fact, the very first issue of Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence counseled its readers: “If you have a neighbor or friend whom you think would be interested in or benefitted by [this magazine’s] instructions, you might call it to their attention; thus preaching the Word and doing good unto all men as you have opportunity.”

    *** w87 3/1 14 'Upon the Watchtower I Am Standing' ***
    The “faithful and discreet slave” class, the “watchman,” today uses the Watchtower magazine under the direction of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses as its main channel for dispensing spiritual “food at the proper time.” (Matthew 24:45)

    *** w87 7/15 19 Prayers Require Works ***
    Because Jehovah God does not give his holy spirit apart from his Word, and we cannot hope to receive holy spirit if we ignore the earthly channel Jehovah is using today, “the faithful and discreet slave,” represented by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Without help from this “slave,” we would neither be able to understand the full import of what we read nor know how to apply what we learn.—Matthew 24:45-47.

    *** w81 12/15 25 Zealous for "the Work of the Lord" ***
    16 It was first in 1895 that some friends of Zion’s Watch Tower suggested that this magazine is identified with “that slave”—“that servant.” (Matt. 24:46, Authorized Version) Enemies aroused violent opposition to this viewpoint of such friends, so that The Watch Tower of October 1, 1909, had this to say:
    “Our friends insist that this Scripture indicates that in the end of this Gospel age the Lord would use not many channels for the dissemination of the Truth, but one channel . . . They hold that all of them received their knowledge of Present Truth directly from the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society’s publications, or indirectly through those who have received their enlightenment through this channel. They are glad correspondingly to co-operate as ‘fellow-servants’ with the Society’s work, believing that thereby they are following the leadings of the Divine Providence, as well as the instructions of the Divine Word.”

  • gsark

    For your continued reading/gagging pleasure and perusal:

    WT 11-1-99: The only sure way to retain God's Word in our heart is to read and study it both privately and in association with fellow believers. This includes taking full advantage of the spiritual food provided through the channel appointed to care for the spiritual interests of Jesus' true followers

    WT 12-1-99 And just as Jesus used "his slave John" to communicate sustaining spiritual food to the first-century congregations, so today he uses "the faithful and discreet slave," made up of his anointed "brothers" on earth, to give his domestics and their companions spiritual "food at the proper time." (Matthew 24:45-47; 25:40) Happy are those who recognize the Source of the 'good gifts' we receive in the way of spiritual food and the channel He is using.-

    WT 6-1-97 But how thrilling to know that Jehovah, in his own due time and in his own way, will continue to reveal his secrets as to his purposes! Never should we become impatient with Jehovah's arrangement, indiscreetly trying to rush ahead of the Revealer of secrets. How reassuring it is to know that the channel Jehovah is using today does not do so! It is both faithful and discreet.

    WT 12-15-96 This he has done through a visible channel that Jesus termed "the faithful and discreet slave." It provides spiritual food that is considered in the teaching program for congregations of God's people worldwide.

    KM 10-95 The congregation is vital to our spiritual survival. It would be impossible to serve Jehovah acceptably apart from it.

    KM 4-93 Today, the worldwide Christian congregation is God's "house," "a pillar and support of the truth." (1 Tim. 3:15) All the provisions for salvation are made available through this channel. For that reason, "to it all the nations must stream" if they desire to enjoy the blessings promised under God's Kingdom rule.-Isa. 2:2.
    2 This "house" comprises more than 69,000 congregations in 229 lands. The doors of Kingdom Halls around the world are open,....

    KM 3-92 How privileged we are to have knowledge of future events revealed in the book of Revelation and explained through God's channel today! Entrusted with such knowledge, unlike the scribes of Jesus' day and the clergy today, let us never fail to make known or unlock the meaning of God's Word to those who will listen.

    Granted, some of these are inferred/implied, but try telling a JW elder the this 'channel' is something other than JW...

    There are many, mnay more like this, but I am too sick to continue...

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • philo

    gsark, excellent new pic. Don't say you were at a bullfight for that!


  • Francois

    Hi all and thanks very much.

    These quotes are hitting all around the target, but not hitting it. Notice they all refer to the channel as an established fact. The one I'm after is the scripture that makes the claim itself. That is, the assertion that the governing body is the only channel of communication that god is using today.

    Come on FRED HALL. Don't you want to help us find where the organization sets itself up as gods channel of communication? MadApostate? Duns? Or is tearing down all you guys do?


  • Francois

    Modestly bringing to the top. Really would like to have this reference.

    Many Thanks,

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