The Global Picture of the Watchtower - what is it?

by truthseeker 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    The year 2005 has seen many thumbs down for the Watchtower.

    In January they announced the Awake! magazine would go monthly, beginning in 2006.

    This past service year, the number of publishers in the United States may actually have gone down, according to latest KM figures.

    This month the Society sued Quotes for $100,000 claiming copyright infringement and embarassment.

    Reports have been circulating of PO's trying to shut down JW sites on

    The 2005 conventions centered on Godly Obedience, putting fear and guilt into the heart of dubs.

    It was said that the new MAN presses are only operating at 50% efficiency.

    The study article in the Oct 1st WT, practically bans university/college education.
    Recently, the GB added two new members who are in their 50's and claim to be of the anointed.

    It has also been 10 years since the last major change in Watchtowe dogma - the 1914 Generation.

    And still to come, Shunned Fathers protest and the Annual General Meeting this Saturday.

    From a global perspective, would you say the Watchtower has got its knickers in a twist?

    They seem to be a glutton for media thrashing these days, I've lost count of the number of news items detailing their tyrannical leadership.

    What are your thoughts?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    From a global perspective, would you say the Watchtower has got its knickers in a twist?

    Perhaps - but due to the isolationisticism [is that a word?] of the organization they seem to be 'bulletproof' in so many ways. I know that while we were in we never heard of any scandalous information. Dubs just don't look up long enough to know they are heading over a cliff I am afraid.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The congregation I seldom attend is filled with children of JWs that look as if they're forced to be there; a generation that belongs to education and technology, that dresses and thinks according to the times.

    The diehards of the WBTS are literally dying off and soon there'll be a new day for this organization. They'll have to make considerable changes in order to retain the masses or gain the interest of the outsiders.

    The WBTS is ultimately a religious business organization and, as they have in the past, they'll make any adjustments necessary to keep their fellowship.


  • kid-A

    They managed to survive the "75" fiasco relatively intact, despite the temporary exodus of members. But the symptoms described above are much different...they point to a slow, decay, from the very core of the organization. They are getting older and older, not a single new idea or direction since 95. The watchtower and awake have been reduced to repetitive 'fluff' and have been running on auto-pilot for years......but the real source of their impending demise will be the internet. They know they cant fight information on this scale.

    Whats worse, they are in a complete catch-22 situation....if they were to make huge changes in their theology or lighten up on their "sky is falling" mindset, what reason could any normal person have for living that type of barren, dreary existence?

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I really don't know much about what they are teaching now as I can't bring myself to read the crap they print but I think the comment about them being on auto-pilot is correct. By looking at the covers of my wife's latest WT and Awake I really couldn't tell when they were written except by the style covers of the covers and the date. The read the same as they did 30 years ago. Life without fear is it possible? Yadda yadda yadda, same old hook.

    To me it looks like they are having a hard time convincing their followers to be the hardcore dubs they want them to be. And as mentioned above the internet. How do they deal with that? I think it could be change or die time for the WT but it could be slow and painful death. And if it does die out we won't even have any chairs or table to remember them by like we do the Shakers.

  • Mary

    From a global perspective, would you say the Watchtower has got its knickers in a twist?
    I'd say that's putting it mildly. Their problems just keep "piling up to the heavens" and there's no end in sight. Yes they survived the 1975 fiasco, Ray Franz going public and the Generation change. However, things have never been the same for them and with the internet being able to expose them for what they really are and with this information just a click away for most people on earth, they've got no way to fight back. Had the internet been around when either the '75 fiasco or when Ray went public, their losses would have been far greater. The only reason they've been able to survive relatively intact is because they controlled ALL the information and the R&F had very limited options to find out what was really going on. The present Governing Body members are furious, embarrassed and in a complete panic that they can no longer control what 6 million Witnesses read and they're responding in the only fashion they know of: with a rod of iron and a pious, self-righteous attitude. They still think it's 1950 and when they say "jump" they expect the response to be "how high?", not "why?" Changes will have to be made eventually if they want to survive. And I don't mean stupid changes like "allowing" someone to be considered a pioneer by lowering the number of hours they get from 60 to 40. This does no one any good whatsoever. They're going to have to get rid of some of the meetings, plain and simple. People are just too damn busy and they just don't have time for 5 meetings a week, preparation for them, personal study, service, service and more service. Just my two cents worth.

  • mann377

    I think what we are witnessing is the slow death of religious thinking that the GB still hangs onto. The traditions of this antiquated religion will not address the changes in communications such as the internet. The old saying is "there are no bigger fools than those that fool themselves". The GB members are the biggest fools of all for following blind teachings that reap what they sow. May they not rest in peace!

  • DannyHaszard

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