Please God.....Let the Yankees Lose

by Preston 1 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Preston

    Even though I'm no longer in attendance at religious meetings, I do believe that man must have a ritual. And my ritual is... the ALCS. And in a way it is a religious ceremony for me.

    1.) It's a time of rest (albeit on a comfy chair). My Sabbath

    2.) I do it religiously

    3.) And every time before the game starts I say "Thank God"

    Having a world series postseason without the Yankees is like springtime with perfect weather without a hint of anything in its place to ruin it (rain, rodents, gnats, unwelcome tourists) so please....PLEASE God.... let the Yankees lose.

    I'll promise to think more about you when I watch Baseball games.

    - Preston

  • lawrence


    I'll throw in an AMEN! My publisher and friend is from the Bronx and an ardent Yankee fan, and last weekend he and I commented on how much I wanted Toronto to sweep their series in NY; he said, "you don't watch the game anymore, so why do you care? You don't even have a TV anymore!" And I told him, "in case I go to a bar, and they have a game on, at least the Yankee pinstripes won't be flashing on the screen." He's still pissed at me. Go Whoever the Yankees are playing! Sending a copy of this to my Bronx buddy, that should improve things...

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