Thanks for the link, Blondie. I just grabbed a copy of "Millions", a priceless resource. I have the bound book New World sitting right in front of me, I have been doing a grueling comparison of doctrinal points between pubs. There wasn't as much continuity between doctrine in the pubs as they portray. Maybe it depended on how sozzled the Judge was?
In another five years they will have to admit that millions did not survive, indeed could not survive if every remaining one who was alive in 1920 did a mass conversion. Right now, the figure hovers just over 3,000,000 still alive that were born prior to 1920, barely making the margin with a mass conversion today. Let's face it, most people don't make it to 85.
I found this hilarious quote:
w97 1/1 p. 11 Let All Glorify Jehovah!
In the early 1920’s, a featured public talk presented by Jehovah’s Witnesses was entitled "Millions Now Living Will Never Die." This may have reflected
overoptimism at that time. But today that statement can be made with
full confidence.
[celebrated WT scholars] Because although the overoptimism wasn't warranted way back then, it is obviously warranted now! Why are you looking at us funny?
[grumblings of the faithful]
[celebrated WT scholars] What do you mean we weren't just overoptimistic? Obviously, there aren't millions of 85-year-olds among the 6,000,000 JWs, so it had to be overoptimism. I mean, the only other way to see it would be as a false prophecy and that would mean we were false prophets.
[grumblings of the faithful]
[celebrated WT scholars] What? Overoptimism doesn't change the fact that we spoke in God's name? But, Jonah proclaimed destruction on Ninevah and that was postponed! Well, no. None of the governments repented due to our message. But still it was postponed!
[grumblings of the faithful]
[celebrated WT scholars] Okay, that example doesn't fit. But we have authority to speak in God's name, granted by Holy Spirit. You are rebelling against Jehovah's Authority to reject our word, just like Korah, Dathan, and Abiram!
[grumblings of the faithful]
[celebrated WT scholars] Well, yes, Korah, Dathan, and Abiram are going to be resurrected after all. And, no, we don't have Scriptures to establish our authority. But look at our fruitage!
[grumblings of the faithful]
[celebrated WT scholars] Well, yes, there has been a lot of "overoptimism" in the past, but if you keep saying that overoptimism is false prophecy your going to get disfellowhipped! ("s" omitted intentionally)
[grumblings of the faithful]
[celebrated WT scholars] Yes, that is the same thing the Pharisees did to the one born blind that Jesus healed. But they weren't appointed by GOD, they "seated themselves in the seat of Moses." We've had enough, you're all disfellowhipped! We'll arrange the kangaroo cou...the er, um night court of the, that is to say, Judicial Committees immediately. We'll tell the Holy Spirit what to decide. That active force always does what we tell it to.