Bloody sadistic cats

by Simon 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    We have two cats, lovely creatures. One is a real outdoor, gone for days, type and the other one is fat and content and sleeps so much we often think she's dead. They are sisters and we've had them from kittens. They are both "agresssively" affectionate (in that they will force their head under your hand so you have to stroke them)

    Anyway, they like to chase things and if we're having a bottle of wine we'll throw the cork to them and watch them chase it round the floor.

    Angharad had gone to have a bath and I'm sat watching TV and open another bottle of wine. One of the cats is having more fun than normal with the cork and is still chasingh it round and going really mad after much longer than normal.

    "Hmmmn, that's strange ..." I thought as the cork made a dash across the floor heading for the door. It's a bloody mouse.

    Since we added a cat-flap for them the 'killer' of the pair has brought in more half-dead-soon-to-be-eaten wildlife than I've ever seen. I didn't see as many mice, voles, birds and 'anything smaller than me will do' creatures since I lived on the farm!

    Of course when I kicked it out the front door it just went round the back of the house, throught the flap and is now playing with it in the kitchen.

    Heck, that's what cats do. May as well leave it to it and look for any leftovers later !

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Simon doncha know they bring home the kill as a gift for you?

  • BrendaCloutier

    I call it "Take Out". Or, if it survives, "catch and release" as either I find if after it has died under some inaccessible peice of furniture and begun to decay, or they find it later for further fun.

    I'm grateful Dominic usually takes his prize catches to the Killing Room ... the bathroom next to the front door and cat flap. At least there is only one way in, and usually no way out for the poor victim.

    For a while our old cat Max had Dominic hunt and bring him the live prey, and Max would eat it "on the hoof". I think that was when Dominic was new to our pride and was trying hard to make friends.

    Now it's Tane's turn. He's 5-1/2 months old and last week brought home his first kill. Unfortunately it was a meadowlark - rather rare in our area. But I praised him like a good momcat.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Lady Lee is right. The cat is saying: "Simon, lets do lunch. I'm buying"

  • Evanescence





    Awww I cats sooo much my Nana also lived on the Farm and had the same problem with her cat.... exept the miceys there were real smart and played dead her cat would walk in triumphadly (can't spell, Simon you need spell check on this forum ) with a mousy in his mouth, put the "dead" mouse on the ground the cat looking oh so proud, then the mouse got up and bolted under the fridge the cat also liked to hunt down birds, rabbits etc..... oh and also ran away from foxes

    Nana's cat recently died though...

    lol but my cat we used to have a door flap, would bring in dead pidgions so that was the end of that cat flap got sick of having dead pidgions delivered at the door step hee hee

    Simon, are you a fan of Animals? if so you should watch the Anime "fruits Basket" then again i don't know what your taste in shows are but its a cute show


  • avengers

    I love cats.

    The one I have now is the best cat ever. A real photomodel. When we need pictures for our website he sits and poses for us.
    Here's his picture.

    click my nose.

  • Evanescence

    I have many pics of my cat posing, but I don't have them on my computer

    But I do have this one picture of my cat


    btw, Simon or anyone else does you cat play with Spiders? mine does


  • diamondblue1974

    I had exactly the same experience yesterday afternoon Simon....we also came home some months ago to a live bird but with half its wing was sickening...blood everywhere to say we werent happy was an understatement.

    Our two cats are exactly the same...Tiggs is the killing machine who would happily stay out all day and night whereas Millie is more of a home cat and prefers to play with her toys inside.

    As far as the half dead birds and mice....they should be buy us gift vouchers...they would be more appreciated!


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