My view of Absolute TRUTH

by Amazing 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    When helping my children out of the JWs, we discussed the Watch Tower claim that their religion is the only true religion, and all other religions are false religions. During one such discussion, my oldest son asked how I deal with this claim. I responded by saying, "The San Francisco 49rs are the only True Football Team, and all other football teams are false football teams.

    He, being a Washington Redskins fan, suddenly got my point. That is: Claims of truth are not based on truth, but emotional and psychological devotion to an ideal, a concept, a fantasy. If truth is involved, it is an accident. If we are not careful, then "truth", like the football, can intercepted by the other team. Suddenly, "truth" can be carried the other way down the field, and end up scoring against us. - Amazing

  • trevor


    That's a good point. Truth to many people is hearing what they want to hear. Real truth is only available to those who listen with an open mind and accept reality however painfiul it is. Beyond that point, truth becomes agreeable and welcome, whatever message it brings.

    Truth never tunes itself to us, we have to tune ourselves to truth.

  • nytelecom1

    what if football to you isnt football but soccer.
    and how would rod stewart, (a soccer fan), get a
    chance to intercept Joe Montana

  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo

    Hi Amazing,

    Things are going poorly with my girlfriend....but you'd be interested to hear one of the things she said about her "religion":

    "It's not a religion, it's the TRUTH!"

    Like I said, I'm in deep.

  • bboyneko 2
    bboyneko 2
    "It's not a religion, it's the TRUTH!"

    Of course it's not, religion is 'a snare and a racket' remember?

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