And what's the hang-up with nudity in the first place? We are supposed to be ashamed of our own body and its functions. Do we see dogs being dressed up when they see other dogs? Or are puppies to be protected from the sight of nude dogs? What about cats? What other animal is so ashamed of its own body that it will not dare reveal parts of it to the public?
As I see it, clothing does serve a purpose. It serves to protect from extreme heat or cold, to protect the skin from excessive wear and tear where one is doing hard labor, and it enhances your attractiveness. Streaking when it is -50 and snowing out is asking for disaster, as is streaking where abrasions and other similar problems are a constant threat. (Or where you are in tick country or wish not to be bitten by mosquitoes). But, why should it be the law that we wear "decent" clothing when no other animal species is so ashamed of its own body? And, where does this stop? First, yoga pants. Then, shorts and T-shirts. Before long, you might as well be in Mea Shearim, Jerusalem.