He made an appearance in Portland, OR the on Monday. He read from his new book "Anansi Boys" and did a little Q & A, foillowed by a book signing. I got two copies of Anansi Boys signed a well as my first-edition copy of American Gods, Sandman-Preludes and Nocturnes, and Neverwhere all signed. Okay, done gloating now. Any other Gaiman fans out there?
All you Neil Gaiman fans out there, prepare to be envious.
by Low-Key Lysmith 4 Replies latest jw friends
Yep. I've been to several readings that he has done.
My blue eyes are now green!!!
Damn right!
Actually, I have a friend here in my hometown whose father is a well-known graphic novelist and cartoonist, and Neil Gaimon was a close friend of the family and a frequent house guest.
Congrats. Looking forward to reading the new book.
A friend of mine just called and told me that Mirrormask is playing in a theatre right around the corner from him. Even though this friend lives an hour away from me, I am going to see it either sunday or monday. Can't wait.