Apparently the Scientology faith is no more or less moral than the rest...
Dating since April...Engaged in June...Preggers in September....
They sound like young Dubs...hehehe...
u/d (of the way past the bloom of youth and still horny class)
by upside/down 4 Replies latest social current
Apparently the Scientology faith is no more or less moral than the rest...
Dating since April...Engaged in June...Preggers in September....
They sound like young Dubs...hehehe...
u/d (of the way past the bloom of youth and still horny class)
I wonder if the ¢hur¢h of $¢i€ntology is going to DF them for premarital nookie.
Maybe they'll pull the Dubbie...engagement=marriage (just without the "official" ceremony)
Slap on the wrist...500K in the contribution box...and promise to never do it again.
So...I wonder if she has "complications" if they'll go to a REAL doctor...or use their charlatans faith healers...?
Fundies are so silly...
must be a miracle, seen as she publicly was "saving" herself till she got married, and Tom is shooting blanks!
I bet Pacey is devastated!
Everyone "knows" he's queer as a 3 dollar bill...
So who's the real father?
u/d(of the wheres the paparozzi when you really need them class)