Anyone ever start a 'coffee-house' Bible study?

by AK - Jeff 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I am thinking of doing this at the place where I have my daily brew. Just a simple coming together of those who wish to read a chapter or two of the Bible once a week with a little discussion - completely non-denom of course -

    Anyone have suggestions on how to go about this - have you done it or something similar?

    Along with everything else the borg killed my 'creative juices' - so suggestons would be appreciated - material sources for topical discussions, ect.


  • Ingenuous

    I haven't used any of the resources from this site myself - heard about it via ChannelC. Discussions of God and Christ are from a non-trinitarian perspective.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx Ingenous -

    I bookmarked the site for later review - appreciate it.

    How are things at Channel C? Haven't been in a while.


  • Ingenuous

    Ros shut things down for a while, leaving only a select few still registered. The board is still available for viewing and she's trying to decide whether to open it back up/re-register those who are requesting to be allowed back on. Apparently, things got very nasty about a month ago or so, but I wasn't checking-in regularly enough to know the details. (Lots of posts deleted.)

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Re: Channel C
    It ended up being a Catholic beliefs debate. It got rather heated.

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