What do you think is wrong with young people today?
young people today
by tdj2112amg 7 Replies latest jw friends
Young people are the same as they have always been, young. There is an awful lot of bad / subliminal influence in the media, and this evidently has had an effect.
But, young people have always got up to stuff, its just more widely reported now because the world has got so "small".
Also, fear of discipline could be a factor... a slap too hard and you could do time for it.
Nothing. My youngest is fifteen and I know a number of his friends well. Most of the one he runs with are decent kids - no drugs, no trouble with the law, polite, doing well in school etc.
It helps that his mother and I don't care if his hair is purple.
1. They eat to many fat food
2. Spoil
3. Lazy
4. Don't listen to decent music (Beatles)
5. Don't know how to read
6. Don't know what work is
7. They eat their own snots
8. They are rats
9. They don't know how to think
4. Don't listen to decent music (Beatles)
FredHall, my decoder ring is out of service so could you please 'splain this? Are you saying that kids today don't listen to decent music (such as the Beatles), or are you saying that the Beatles represent music that is not decent?
You do remember that the Beatles were considered to be devils incarnate back in the early 60's, don't you?
Yakki Da
"The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:
http://watchtower.observer.org -
hahah young people have been bad since the beginning of time. Adolescense brings with it rebellion.
I think it's a common misconception that the world today is worse than it has ever been. I highly disagree. At least we aren't skewered on a sharpened steak thru our anus and left to die for days (yes, you often do live thru having the steak come in one end and come out your mouth) because we disagree with the current leader of our country.
Or you don't have to fear having all your limbs tied to 4 strong horses and being dismembered as the horses are whipped to pull in different directions because you disagree with the current pope.
Also you don't have to have your limbs crushed under a iron wheel so that they become basically a formless gelatin like mass of skin and flesh, and then have the lims tied like rope on the wheel and you are then left to die of the elements as birds and insects peck at your now useless apendages because you didn't shave your beard as decreed by your russian czar.
Today is much less barbaric than the past. The media allows us to see all the worlds suffering at once every day making it appear that we live in times worse than anything in human history.
Young people are the same as they have always been, young.
i totally agree! i think every generation has problems with its young people. the only real thing i see "wrong" with today's youths is lack of parental involvement and that is not the youths fault.
something that has always bothered me about parents/kids relationships: parents unwilling to allow their kids to be their own person! this is why i lied, snuck around behind my parents back and was generally a punk! not to excuse my behavior but if my parents had been more open with me, allowing me to express my ideas and thoughts on life, i wouldn't have had to lie to them.
anyway, back to youth today......i think all kids/teens struggle to find their own identity and that's what's "wrong" with kids today, most adults want them to fit into their own little mold....not gonna work!
as for violent youth...especially in the USA, what do we expect? we are a violent country, we are going to produce violent kids!
harmonyMost people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley