Political Canvassing. compared with Ministry.

by AlanB 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AlanB

    I have recently got involved in Politics and was out over the weekend canvassing. I found it an interesting contrast with being on the Ministry.

    First of all I found it easier to actually talk to people about something I actually believed in rather then recite the same old stuff that had become so dry to me.

    The biggest contrast was when I rang a door and after a few moments it was clear no one was in, I instinctively reached for the door bell again, the Witness way being to string out a 'not at home' for as long as decently possible so as to 'get your hour in' without having to talk to too many people. I surpressed the instinct, remembering that I was actually out to talk to as many people as I could before the rain set in. I noticed that we all walked round faster and were more efficient, no one was counting time or looking at watches, no hanging around on street corners or classic time wasting techniques. We did not work in pairs, no long chats as we went round. No pioneer plod.

    Soon a few drops of rain start and instead of heading for shelter in the nearest coffee bar we carried on until it really was raining.

    Interesting contrast though, I was called on by two witnesses the other week. To pass the time, I asked them what they believed, hoping they may mention 1914 and I could get them to explain it to me. The one Witness (looked like an elderette) spouted a whole lot of stuff really quickly to me with a liberal dose of witness buzzwords, like propitiatory sacrifice, annointed, millenuim reign, gentile times, kingdom etc... even I found it difficult to keep up and I wondered what chance anyone who had not had a witness upbringing would have of understanding the meaning of what was being said. It could have been in a foreign language.

  • OICU8it2

    Interesting, Alan. I haven't gone canvassing but have been supporting a political group and have talked with many at work. I can imagine the feelings you had. A couple stopped by yesterday from the hall in service. They did not know me. I decided to let them run on with their presentation. The woman was maybe in her 50's and had a younger companion who spoke up occasionally. The presentation was right out of the kingdom ministry and reminded me of the examples presented onstage. When they stated the signs in Mt. 24 I couldn't help it and asked them "how could these things be a sign if they are just routine history?" There was a disconnect at that point with her not even understanding the question. It was like she was on automatic or not used to any actual questions. Meanwhile, another witness vehicle raced up and down the street repeatedly, watching us as they passed as if they thought their coworkers could be in danger. Maybe they hadn't witnessed a discussion in some time. At any rate I told them all of their publications from the beinning were available on the web and in reading them it was clear they were not divinely distinguished at their start if their beliefs now were so different. In fact, they are not wild about researching their material from the twenties and thirties. Nothing registered with them. Perhaps they began to suspect apostasy. Like an idiot I tried to tell them about the fine tuning of the four forces, the ratios of masses of the electron and proton, the placement of the solar system within the Milky Way, the large moon's influence on earth's stable tilt, etc. and how this leads me to believe in a Creator. That was the end of the call.

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    I was out yesterday afternoon "precinct" walking. I was at ease, and enjoyed meeting some of the people who live near the school where I work. I was not with a partner, and I have to say, it made it easier. People are far more willing to listen to the teacher from the local school, in jeans and a T-shirt, spout off about state initiatives than a pair of wacko cultists in an ankle length floral-print dresses.

    OK, I probably wouldn't have volunteered to do this if it weren't for my early conditioning to knock on doors and drop off pamphlets (the pamphlet had an eerie resemblance in color and composition to an Awake-but I'm the only one who noticed it). Most of the people weren't home (not answering doors-but home, guess who they thought I was...). I also figured I may be running for city council or school board in the not too distant future, so I figured I better get used to asking people to vote a certain way.

    I convinced about four people to vote "our way," in less than an hour. I challenge any of you to recount a similar tale of success while peddling the religion...

    Feeling all civic-minded this weekend (without a shred of guilt).


  • AlanB

    Interesting comments.

    We had very few really negative people yesterday and even if they clearly supported one of the other parties were happy to discuss issues they felt were a problem in the area.

    The Ministry is all about telling people that there are loads of problems in the world, that we are all doomed and that only God can sort it out and that you have to change the way you live your life to benefit.

    I feel that is the difference, Political work is discussing real issues that affect real people, listening to them and encouraging them to get involved.

    I suspect this is why I got interested in Politics some years after being 'out'. Once I stopped believing that God was going to sort out the problems of the world it became clear to me that it is up to us to make a difference. Even in a small way, protesting about something we feel strongly, helping a Charity, standing for office, signing a petition. This is how Democracy is supposed to work, if there are enough people who just make a little bit of a difference that can add up to a huge change.

    From the point of view of God, (if there is one) I am sure God is going to be more inclined to help mankind if he can see we are trying to help ourselves. I fail to see how an organisation that restricts thinking, forbids involvement in Political affairs, discourages charity work other than their own which only consists of peddling journals that no one reads is helping anyone.

    Anyway, enough of my soap box.

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