G'day all,
Well, during the CannyFest we had a spell when sat around a room 'book study style' (we're so used to that, eh?) and we actually came up with this weekend's Weekend Poll. So here we go, brought to you from the CannyFest (Canberra, Australia):
How did you view someone who took the emblems?
1. Nuts
2. Delusional
3. Emotional problems
4. Big fish in a little pond
5. Game
6. Thirsty
7. Drunk before Memorial
8. ex-Catholic
9. a visitor
10. Depends if it was a sister or a brother.
11. Depends how old they are.
12. Other (please detail)
Waddayareckon? Let us know and don't forget......
Cheers, Ozzie from the CannyFest (permanently upside-down class)
Freedom means not having to wear a tie.