The other week we were read a letter about the upcoming elder/ms training school. Out of all the letter I discussed with my friend from another congregation the part that said "If you are unable to go to your assigned school, and you want to attend another circuit's school you can with the Circuit Overseer's permission.... But if you happed to attend an earlier one than the brother s you frequent, you should keep all matter confidential until they hear it themselves"
Well my friend (JW) cracked up, and laughed at this "stupidity", but before the conversation was over, he added his own personal experience "stupidity".
he said: In my cong. I'm the literature servant, and along with the english congr brothers we get quite a few that are part of a foreign langage group (as many know they have a meeting ance a month in their language, and go to their own assemblies). Well the english had their assembly a month before the others, the elders told him that at all costs these foreign people could not see the new releases until they were introduced to them at their own assemblies!
Can you imagine literature being displayed, and this brother having to hide them at the first presence of these!
This is what corporate does!!!!
Example: record companies, and video releases.... what does this have to with theocracy