Meat on fridays & hypocrisy

by ackack 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ackack

    I was reading some older watchtower articles on the Catholics and meat on fridays. I only have a couple of quotes here.

    “Tell me,” he asked, “how can I have confidence in anything? How can I believe in the Bible, in God, or have faith? Just ten years ago we Catholics had the absolute truth, we put all our faith in this. Now the pope and our priests are telling us this is not the way to believe any more, but we are to believe ‘new things.’ How do I know the ‘new things’ will be the truth in five years?”

    But whatever the reasons for the revision, this change in the confessional is serving further to shatter the confidence of many Catholics in their church. Within just recent memory revered “saints” have been dropped, the Mass has been altered, meat can be eaten on Friday, and now this change. Catholics may well be wondering: What next?

    Can anyone place these quotes? Can anyone provide a full list of funny things said about this whole meat on fridays issue? Thanks! :)


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    We are truly blessed that the WBTS never changes anything, they are a rock we can depend on unlike the Satan run churches of Christendom.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Here's the article. Oh...the irony.
    *** g70 4/22 pp. 8-10 Should Meat Be Eaten on Friday? ***
    Some snippets:
    "The effect upon many devout Catholics has been devastating. “All these years I thought it was a sin to eat meat,” explained a housewife in the midwestern United States. “Now I suddenly find out it isn’t a sin. That’s hard to understand.”
    If you are a Catholic, can you understand how a practice that was considered by the Church a “mortal sin” can suddenly be approved? if it was a sin five years ago, why is it not today? Many Catholics cannot understand.
    When a woman in Canada was asked how she felt about the changes in her church, she replied: “I don’t know. Maybe you can tell me. What are they going to do with all those people sent to hell for eating meat on Friday?”
    Not just a few Catholics have asked such questions. The change in teaching has shaken their confidence in the Church. Would you not feel the same way if what you had always been taught to be vital for salvation was suddenly considered unnecessary? Would you not be inclined to question other teachings of your church also?

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    And this...
    "The inability of the Church to explain its position Scripturally makes evident an important fact: The Catholic Church has not based its teachings upon what God’s Word says. Rather, it has founded many of its beliefs and practices on the unstable traditions of men.
    This is obviously true with regard to Friday meat abstinence. For, look as you may, nowhere in the Bible will you find that Christians were ever instructed to refrain from eating meat on any Friday of the year, or on any other day. It is not a requirement of God. In fact, the Catholic edition of the Revised Standard Version Bible says that enjoining or commanding “abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving” is an evidence of a departure from the faith.—1 Tim. 4:1-4.
    Thus, many truth-seekers are having their eyes opened to see that the Catholic Church has not been holding strictly to God’s Word. And they are wondering whether any religion that does not do so is worthy of their confidence and support.

  • ackack

    Thanks tallp. You're cool.

    This is just so nutty. I don't think I've ever read anything as nutty in WT before. But I guess before 1975 ANYTHING goes! HOOWOO! Denigrate other religious, it don't matter!

    Reminds me of someone trashing their car because they're getting a new one tomorrow. Whoops. They didn't get the new car.


  • Hellrider

    For the WTBTS to attack the catholic church for being flip-flopping, is just ridicolous. The catholic church would have to be the most stabile, hardheaded and conservative church on the planet. They have never allowed themselves to be politically correct, in spite of the changes of the world. Not only is abortion an absolute no-no, they even stick to their ban on contraceptives. Not even the AIDS-epidemic would make them change their stand on condoms. And what about the WTBTS? First blood transfusions is allowed. Then banned. Then "parts of blood" is allowed. And organ transplants was banned. Then allowed. Jesus was Jesus, then Michael, then Jesus, then Michael. Then end comes in 1874, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1925, 1975, "generation" is to be taken literal, then symbolical etc etc etc, the list is endless. Perhaps the WTBTS should clean their own house first, before they start attacking others.

  • daystar

    This is classic! This might also be helpful to me.

  • ackack

    Helpful? please do tell how.


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I have spent about equal amounts of time in WBTS and around the Catholic Church and I'll take those crazy Catholics anytime, at least those folks know how to live.

  • daystar
    Helpful? please do tell how.

    Helpful in giving examples of hypocrisy in the WBTS doctrine to others.

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