Identifying Your Religion as True or False

by Scorpion 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scorpion

    *True religion inspires in its worshipers an unbreakable bond of love and unity that is not affected by national boundaries.(John 13:35) False religion does not inspire such love. Rather, in imitation of Cain, its members go out and kill one another in international wars.
    -1John 3:10-12.

    *True religion keeps free of human politics and looks to the Creator to solve world problems by means of his Kingdom government. False religion follows Nimrod's examples at the Tower of Babel. It merges itself with politics, trusts in political gods in whose affairs it meddles, and thus lays the basis for its own destruction.-Daniel 2:44; John 18:36; James 1:27

    *True religion recognizes Jehovah as the true God, the only one able to deliver from oppression. False religion, such as practiced in ancient Egypt adn Greece, offers a multitude of helpless mythical gods who are all without merit. -Isaiah 42:5; 1 Corinthains 8:5, 6.

    *True religion promises eternal life on earth in happiness. False religion-for example, Buddhism-views life on earth as undesirable and as something from which to be liberated in an uncertain hereafter.-Pslam 37:29; Revelation 21:3,4

    *True religion, by means of its holy book, the Bible, umbues people with unshakable faith; it gives them a guaranteed hope and motivates them to acts of genuine love toward God and neighbor.(2 Timothy 3:16, 17)False religion, despite its holy books, is for the most part ineffectual in doing these things.-1 John 5:3, 4.

    *True religion is marked by humble overseers. False religion is noted for its ambitious,independent-minded leaders, who are willing to twist the truth and who seek political or wordly gain.-Acts20:28, 29; 1 Peter 5:2, 3.

    *True religion, the way of proper submission to God, wields a spirtual, not a literal, sword. False religion, on the other hand, compromises true doctrine, breaks Christian nuetrality, and pursues human concerns more than divine interests.-2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

    *True religion wins the hearts of unbeliever over to the worship of the true God. False religion contributes to a climate of skepticism, freethinking, rationalism, and secularism.-Luke 1:17; 1 Corinthians 14:24, 25.

    *True religion, as practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses, is spirtually flourishing as never before. False religion, its skirts splattered with blood, is suffering from spiritual malnutrition and waning support.-Isaiah 65:13, 14.
    What is religion's future in view of its past? False religion has no future. Desert her! (Revelation 18:4, 5) Turn to true religion. It will last forever.

    Afake! December 22, 1989 page 18

  • TweetieBird

    Maybe they can reprint that article so that people will continue to believe they have the true religion.

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

  • kes152

    *True religion, as practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses, is spirtually flourishing as never before. False religion, its skirts splattered with blood, is suffering from spiritual malnutrition and waning support.-Isaiah 65:13, 14.

    The prophesy in Isaiah was against "Israel" ... the "true religion."




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