Is it?...Regarding the verse in James I think..where it speaks about
going to the older men of the congergation for "healing"
just wondering what opinions are out there regarding this
and how it would relate to those who feel no need to follow
an organized regligion.
Confessing to elders..Scriptural??
by nytelecom1 6 Replies latest jw friends
The scriptures also tell us to confess our sins freely to one another. Going to the Elders is not mandatory. In fact sisters would be better off confessing to another sister (who would keep the confession confidential) especially on matters of sex.
Confession is good because it reconnects a person to their community. Sin wants to have a person all to himself.
I can only answer for myself as I do not believe in organised religion and I never forsee that for the future.
Confessing is to my mind "owning up".I feel that my own conscience is my best guide. If I have made a mistake or hurt someone I will always approach the person and attempt to make amends. If my conscience is clear there is nothing to confess either to myself or anyone/anything else.
For all rests on my conscience and not a superior being.
I will defend, to your death, my right to my opinion.
drahcir yarrum
Confessing ones sins to an elder or group of elders is really the same as confessing ones sins to the elder's wives and all of her (their) friends. From experience I know this to be the case. Some elders probably do maintain confidentiality, but far too many do not. Therefore, perhaps the best way to confess is during your part of the service meeting, just blurt out your sins for all to hear. It will reduce the excruciating boredom of the meeting.
EXAMPLE: (Two Sisters doing a demonstration) "So you see sister Jones, we really do want to stress the nearness of the end with our studies, and oh by the way, I've been giving brother Jones regular blow jobs at the Motel 6 for over a year now."
Utopian Reformist
If we accept the greek scriptures as a part of our christian faith, then we should consider the words of Jesus in Matthew 5, concerning gifts upon the altar.
Jesus related how we should settle matters quickly with the one complaining against at law, how we should settle disputes with our brothers and sisters before leaving a gift at the altar.
I believe confessing is very personal and should only involve the affected parties to the matter in question. If the situation cannot be resolved, diffused, settled, forgiven and forgotten, then and ONLY then can the affected parties agree on third party intervention or involvement.
Should that third party be in fact an ELDER? I believe it should be a trusted, respected, balanced, mature person that the affected parties can rely upon in complete and total impartiality and confidence.
I don't think titles earned through works appointed by humans are necessarily a basis for experience and justice.
what about matters such as fornication, perhaps with someone who
is not "of this fold", or even adultery -