You state; I apologize, but a gain, you err. God chose King Saul. But this is not a case of salvation is it? He needed Saul to do a specific job. The Bible in many areas shows how God uses individuals for certain tasks. You mention Saul as a example of God "un-choosing" a person. But you have to look at why, he chose. As I stated there are many examples of God spirit coming upon a person temporarely so that God can use them for great acts. This happend alot to Israel in Judges 3:8-10 This was not always permenant, sometimes a temporary manifestation of the HolySpirit. The Spirit even came upon non-believers to do unusual tasks.In Numbers 24:2 Gods Spirit used Balaam. (He was a sorcerer). And Pharaoh. In 2Chronicles 36:23 The LORD moved the heart of King Cyrus. The point, Gods Holy Spirit gave the person power to what God needed them to do, but not always did it produce the fruits of the spirit. As in Sauls case in his early years he was a different person, as the result of the Holy spirits work in him. But as his power grew so did his pride. And in 1Sam 16:14 The spirit left him, v.23 then you have the spirit coming back whenever David would play the harp. Forgive me, for scripture disagrees with your example of God choosing and unchoosing. Look at the example of Jonah. I wont give you scripture. For you quote our Lord;
"If ANYONE (and not just some group named by some group from among earthling man) eats of this bread, he WILL live forever..."
You missed my point, but since you brought up this point, will take it from v60. of John 6 Here the disciples were grumbling saying " this is a hard teaching who can understand this" ( speaking of eating bread to live for ever). Then Jesus clearifys v63. "the spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing, (this would include the heart). wont you agree. Without the Holy Spirit we can not even see a need for a new life. John 14:17 (the world cannot except the spirit of truth). I gave you an example of what ears that hear and you turned it around; You state: "So, most assuredly, they heard the WORDS our Lord uttered, did they not? But… you are making the same error as many others when you assume that our Lord is speaking of the hearing with the FLESH." You say" you assume" You then chop off the point I was trying to make; I said: " the reason you cannot hear is that you do not belong to God." Why would I make that refrence to scpiture if, as you say" I am making the same mistake as others "? Then you agree with me:
Absolutely! And how is it “evidenced” that one “belongs” to God? Isn’t one “chosen”…
. Forgive me, you seem to want to read pass the points that I give.
Aguest,which REFUSED to hear.
Again, its not that the Pharisees "refused" to hear, they could not hear. . The flesh is nothing, including the heart, if you dont have the spirit of truth, first. What good then, would a loving, honest, caring heart be, without the spirit of truth? Their are plenty of people in the world with good hearts. And these same individuals do not have the LORD as lord of their life. This is fact. .You state:
We CAN make our hearts RECEPTIVE... to the best of our ability..
Why I ask you, do you still continue to contradict scripture, with words like "we" and" best of our ability" ?? When later in you post you agree we can do nothing on our own;
Thus it is not by our FLESH
Aguest: it is by our SPIRIT that we prove it.
No, it is by the Holy Spirit that it is revealed. Again you state:
be upon YOU… if you so wish it. Indeed, if YOU are thirsting and YOU are hearing and YOU are wishing, then may you, too, hear what the spirit and bride KEEP ON saying:
Why do you use language like " if you so wish it" Dearest Aguest, I have to rebuke you with scripture, I have already given you scripture that contradicts your points. These are not my positions they are the Bibles. Confidence in the scriptures will allow you to see how humble we should be. We deserve Gods wrath period. People do not like to hear that. It really comes down to this point " How far into sin did Adam fall? What is the bottom line? Did he fall a little, to where he can help himself up, or did he fall so helplessly into the pit of sin, there was nothing he could do for himself. For, if you agree with the latter, you will see how hopeless we really are no matter how much "spiritual food" is put in front of someone who does not have the "spirit" to eat, they will continue to be DEAD in their state and will die in their sin. No matter what you think the condition of the heart is. As you state:
May you, too, say, “Blessed is he that comes in the name of JAH…” and give ALL praise and honor and glory to that One and to the One who sent him forth.