Religions are out of the picture. God does not even consider them to be worthy of His attention. If at all they do anything, that is misrepresentation of God (like JWs who teach Jehovah felt CHALLENGED by a creature ....) and are parasites. Hence, God declares the Judicial Arm of all Governments as God's " MINISTER" on earth. (Romans 13:1-6). Hence let us not bring religions and their gods into our discussion!
Past Regression Therapist-based books give exactly what you said. Souls who have accessed their indefinite past and memories of the astral world and its various realms do not subscribe to anything what the religions teach, in fact they contradict many of the religious teaching. Yet none of them have seen God out there or His messengers, but they say HE DOES EXIST, but can never be known. He wants all souls to grow to the stature of God Himself, and has made all the provisions for this end. Anyone is FREE to choose to grow upward or downward.