Anyone know anything? i usually get to read tbings here first, I'm surprised no one knows any deets yet!
mi first prophecy:.
friday afternoon: 4:20 teach your children to love gods kingdom!
new book/brochure for children based on the articles "teach your children" (appeared in watchtower public edition).
Anyone know anything? i usually get to read tbings here first, I'm surprised no one knows any deets yet!
given my new, unincumbered state of mind, i am rereading a few favourites and ones i haven't read before.
i'm reading east of eden again and have hey, nostradomus!
and 1984 next on the list (never read it!).
thanks Iown mylife & roscoe!
so as not to hijack logcon's thread about crazy things jw's have said to householders, i'd like to start one about just plain old odd jw's.. for example, i knew this dear, dear senior brother who would carry a small bag of peanuts in one pocket of his suit coat and a small plastic bag of brown sugar in the other.. during that time, we would stay out all day long because the territory was extensive.. can't you just picture that precious soul alternately tossing a few peanuts/crumbs of sugar into his mouth as he schlepped from house to trailer, from trailer to house?.
the householders would usually offer us water, lemonade, kool-aid, or soda pops, so no problem with finding something to quench our thirsts.. those were the days!.
the 20 something "anointed" pioneer with tats all over his arms. Or the guy who would make food in the microwave during the meeting. quite a few others who are very, very weird but who are also really nice so I feel bad "making fun" of them. :S
has anyone here ever had the balls to confront someone over a special needs talk that was obviously aimed at you?
I had a few. One local needs directed to a friend was literally a symposium. One part: don't use slang! Lol.
but their views on blood are just plain weird!
meat has blood in it even if it's bled.
still eating meat means consuming blood.
Yes blood for me too. A girl at work brought that up to another JW coworker (about meat having blood, but no transfusions) and I just remember being soooo happy it wasn't me she was asking because I had no answer. The other JW didn't either.
So sorry for her, life can be so tragic sometims. That poor baby. I can just picture JWs reading that article and thinking "this girl needs a study"!
one percenter convicted of raping infant child dodges jail because he 'will not fare well'the huffington post | by ashley almanposted: 03/30/2014 10:45 pm edt updated: 03/31/2014 12:59 pm edt a delaware man convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter only faced probation after a state superior court judge ruled he "will not fare well" in prison.. in her decision, judge jan jurden suggested robert h. richards iv would benefit more from treatment.
richards, who was charged with fourth-degree rape in 2009, is an unemployed heir living off his trust fund.
the light sentence has only became public as the result of a subsequent lawsuit filed by his ex-wife, which charges that he penetrated his daughter with his fingers while masturbating, and subsequently assaulted his son as well.. richards is the great grandson of du pont family patriarch irenee du pont, a chemical baron.. according to the lawsuit filed by richards' ex-wife, he admitted to assaulting his infant son in addition to his daughter between 2005 and 2007. richards was initially indicted on two counts of second-degree child rape, felonies that translate to a 10-year mandatory jail sentence per count.
Disgusting, this guys needs to go to jail! Also disappointing that the Huffington Post felt they needed to add graphic details about the rape in there, really unnecessary.
given my new, unincumbered state of mind, i am rereading a few favourites and ones i haven't read before.
i'm reading east of eden again and have hey, nostradomus!
and 1984 next on the list (never read it!).
Thanks so much everyone!
Scary21, you've tapped into my guilty pleasure, true crime! And you've reminded me that I want to read Atlas Shrugged, so thank you! So many good suggestions. I also have a fascination with "secret" organizations (Mormans, Free Masons, JWs). I read about the Banner of Heaven book recently and will add that to my list for sure.
EdenOne, I'm really enjoying 1984 so far!
Lisa BObeesa, I get goosebumps everytime I read EoE! Can't wait to read your suggestion, it sounds really interesting!
gypseysam, my first "apostate" book was CoC and tHen ISOCF, I will see if I can get the eBook format, don't want to upset my huaband if he finds them around. Love true life stories! Especially when I can relate so easily.
littlerock, I just checked online and they've only got Testimony so I will check that out and I'll have to do some searching for the others.
given my new, unincumbered state of mind, i am rereading a few favourites and ones i haven't read before.
i'm reading east of eden again and have hey, nostradomus!
and 1984 next on the list (never read it!).
Thank you LittleRock! Appreciate the suggestions, I will check out my library to see if they have them! :)
given my new, unincumbered state of mind, i am rereading a few favourites and ones i haven't read before.
i'm reading east of eden again and have hey, nostradomus!
and 1984 next on the list (never read it!).
And let me share two Steinbeck quotes I know a lot might appreciate:
"And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good"
“This I believe: That the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual.”